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How To JAILBREAK iPhone 4S & iPad 2 UNTETHERED iOS 5.0.1 Mac OS X + Windows

ok, i found it, i've tried but it seems like to much effort! has any one just tried dragging the icons into the CMD window instead of typing in the text all the time? because the 1st step works when i drag the exe file in, but when i drag in the config file it doesnt work.??
I think phil should do a dummy step by step for us (me :-D) or i think i'll just wait for the gui verson.

Download CLI Absinthe: https://sites.google.com/a/iphone-dev.com/files/home/cinject_0.4.3.zip?attredirects=0&d=1

1. open CMD.exe
2. cd to the cinject.exe
3. execute the command: cinject.exe -i payloads/jailbreak.mobileconfig
4. execute the command: cinject.exe -j payloads
5. execute the command: cinject.exe -w
6. toggle the VPN switch in settings
7. Ignore the VPN error and wait for reboot
8. Done, find Cydia.
Damn Unleashed this is some crazy! to get this j/b done eh.. LOL! Sorry man im still learning. My iPhone 4 was a 123 and j/b done but im gonna give it a shot before i pm or bother you LOL!
Download CLI Absinthe: https://sites.google.com/a/iphone-dev.com/files/home/cinject_0.4.3.zip?attredirects=0&d=1

1. open CMD.exe
2. cd to the cinject.exe
3. execute the command: cinject.exe -i payloads/jailbreak.mobileconfig
4. execute the command: cinject.exe -j payloads
5. execute the command: cinject.exe -w
6. toggle the VPN switch in settings
7. Ignore the VPN error and wait for reboot
8. Done, find Cydia.
doesn't seem to want to work for me, i get the screen with ROP assistance etc, type commands as above but nothing
i get to step 3 on that, but wouldnt go through, says unrecognised or somthing
its ok, i can wait for the easy step one, ive waited this long already
For those having trouble it might be better off waiting for the GUI version that the devs are working hard to release
the last bit takes a while after -w so dont be fooled into thinking it's not responding