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white death screen after using greenpois0n


New Member
Oct 24, 2010
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ok, luckily I could, by holding the power button, the volume button and the home button, use, again my IOS 4.1, but, the G4 is still locked...

When I used the Greenpois0n, yes it did enter in DFU mode, and ( told) me the Iphone was unlocked...

sorry no such a chance...thanks for any idea
Have you tried "Tiny Umbrella" to kick it out of recovery mode. (DFU mode.)
Make sure your running the real greenpois0n and not a buggy copy. What site did you DL GP from?
Have you tried "Tiny Umbrella" to kick it out of recovery mode. (DFU mode.)


but not I have not try it yet..I had the felling I could not use it with version 4.1 and (8B117)....and Iphone 4
Make sure your running the real greenpois0n and not a buggy copy. What site did you DL GP from?

Overtime, do NOT tell me we also have fake Greenpois0n....!!!!! I feel I downloaded direct from their site...but, if you say so, must be some thuth in your saying....What a World.....
just use limera1n works perfect and not as many fake versions floating around the web as greenpois0n
Although not exactly the same problem, I too had issue with my 4.1 jailbreak, on one of my two Iphone 4s (my wifes). After a bunch of suggestions from various forums, I almost got it to boot, but it still wasn't right.

In the end, I simply did a full restore and then tried the JB again - and it worked perfectly. The second time around, I did nothing different, but the process worked.

I'm lucky that my own phone jailbreaked easy, cause I would have been apprehensive to try the second phone had I run into the issues I had on the second phone - the first time.

In the end, I simply did a full restore and then tried the JB again - and it worked perfectly. The second time around, I did nothing different, but the process worked.


Your post make sens, because with Windows mobile, if you do not use Task 29, when installing another Rom... a lots of stuffs stay behind, in your OS..

Just a question...Witch one JB did you use? and??? on with Iphgone are you...4? version 4.1 (8B117) ??


GeoHot LimeraIn


Did it on the exact day it was released. It's possible that current versions are better than the one I used.

Iphone 4 w/ OS version 4.1 (8B117). Phone shipped with this release.


GeoHot LimeraIn


Did it on the exact day it was released. It's possible that current versions are better than the one I used.

Iphone 4 w/ OS version 4.1 (8B117). Phone shipped with this release.


if memory serves me right, if you dont use cydelete, you have to get the newer release of limera1n to delete the icon, but other than that it just said they fixed some minor bugs for the older generation iPhones