iphone4 worst battery ever?????

iphone4 worst battery ever?????


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Oct 1, 2010
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Charged my battery last night to %100, unpluged this morning around 8am it is now 11:55am and battery is at 86 and dropping like a rock whenever i touch it. cuurent usage is 1 hour 31 min and 3 hours 46 min standby, all i have done is some web surfing on wifi. yesterday my phone went fom 730 amto 730 then died this is under light to medium usage...any ideas?
brightness 40%
push off
fech every 1/2 hr
notifications off
not one call or message today...
no ipod use
watched 1 video on youtube
wifi ask to join networks is off

is this normall???

thanks in advance
quick update, i just watched 1 video on you tube it was 9 minutes long, its now 12:12pm and battery is at 82... dropping 4% in 10 minutes?
that means full charge to dead battery in 4.16 hours.... what a joke
now i have a temperature warning saying iphone needs to cool down before use but the phone doesn't feel warm
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Apple has been replacing phone that have had the temperature warning screen. I would go by your local apple store for a replacement.
thanks for the reply. Iphones are hard to find here in ontario and there are no apple stores, do i just bring my phone in to my bell store thats who my service provider is or do i need to talk to apple?
thanks for the reply. Iphones are hard to find here in ontario and there are no apple stores, do i just bring my phone in to my bell store thats who my service provider is or do i need to talk to apple?

Whatever is more convenient but I'd assume apple would be more understanding... Call the number and see what they suggest.
thanks for the reply. Iphones are hard to find here in ontario and there are no apple stores, do i just bring my phone in to my bell store thats who my service provider is or do i need to talk to apple?

Whatever is more convenient but I'd assume apple would be more understanding... Call the number and see what they suggest.
I am agree... go to Apple Service Center and tell all of your Problem...
iPhone 4 Battery have known to carry manufacturing defects and Apple is happy to replace them as long as you have the AT&T warranty plan or if you're still covered under their limited warranty. Personally, i've had the same problems until i did a replacement my self and now its actually pretty damn good.

Here is a screenshot eventhough not as accurate since i plugged in a few times to sync. I will actually provide a more exact statistic once my phone dies and i fully re-charge it again. To replace your battery your self is not that expensive but we also offer a service for it.

The battery on this phone is one of, if not the best I've ever seen on a smart phone.

Got just under 2.5 days use of one single charge. Yes I was only using the phone for quick phone calls/texts and a few emails etc. But wifi was constantly turned on, as was, push, notifications etc....

I agree it's one of the best smartphone batteries. I can get 2 days out of it just making phone calls, text and some e-mails too. And can definitely get a full days use with using twitter, facebook, phone calls, text and games (so medium to heavy use).
thats pretty good, i remember phones used to last like a week with out charging though they couldent do anything