Iphone 4 jailbreak

Iphone 4 jailbreak


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Nov 7, 2010
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Hi, i ve just jailbreaked a new unlocked iphone from canada,
with PwnageTool_4.1.2, the jailbreak is ok, but phone carrier is not working anymore the sim card is not recognised, can anyone help, thanks
Did it come with 4.1 on the phone? Did you update to 4.1 without preserving the baseband? If so the current unlock won't work.
Hi, i ve just jailbreaked a new unlocked iphone4 from canada,
with PwnageTool_4.1.2, the jailbreak is ok, but phone carrier is not working anymore the sim card is not recognised, can anyone help, thanks
there is no unlock for the new baseband so for now you can either use as an ipod touch or use a sim that the iphone is locked to
can someone predict a date for unlocking 4.1 broadband 02.10.04?
no one can.. only thing any one knows is it will be released some time after official 4.2 release
Well I unlocked my 4G I have tried all night to do my my wifes 3G it has version 4.1 like my 4G can any one give me some help with this
Well I unlocked my 4G I have tried all night to do my my wifes 3G it has version 4.1 like my 4G can any one give me some help with this

ouch, putting the iphone 3g on 4.1 is a big mistake or any 4.XX firmware

but you can find some good tutorials here:

iClarified - Apple News and Tutorials i believe for 4.1 with the iphone 3g you use redsn0w
hey wats up? umm i just got a iphone 4 but i dont have a plan do i need to have a plan do get internet??? for apps
hey wats up? umm i just got a iphone 4 but i dont have a plan do i need to have a plan do get internet??? for apps

if you want 3g then yes, wifi you can use free any where there is a wifi spot and you have acc to it..