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Found another feature!!


Jul 11, 2010
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Wow I stumbled on another feature that I can mirror wirelessly with my apple tv on big screen and the games look great too. Now my VGA cable is not needed. I'm loving this 4s. I wonder if there's anymore I need to know.
With this you need apple tv. Double click the home button all the way to the left choose the apple tv and turn on mirroring, that's it and wow it's perfect. Tried all my games and specially racing ones has no lag at all. I used to mirror with jailbreak app using cable but 4s mirroring picture is so crisp and best of all no cable needed.
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Has anyone tried it with the HDMI cable yet? How does it look?
what do you mean double click the home button all the way to the left (dont understand this)
again this wireless mirroring only works if you have apple tv. Double click the home button the apps that are running in the background will pop up at the bottom, slide them to the right at the very end you will see the airplay icon, press it and select apple tv then turn on mirroring. I'm telling you I bought my apple tv last year and just enjoying it with this feature.
Maybe that can depend on the Apple TV iOS version that you are running as well. Please let us know what iOS version the Apple TV is running :)
I will check the iOS version when I get home tomorrow but I know I just updated to the latest firmware few days ago whatever that one was. I don't check the firmware updates often so that might have been out a while now.
As for connecting apple tv to a non apple tv box, not sure what you meant by non apple tv box but this is what I have.
I have apple tv2 that's connected to the back of an HDTV with an Hdmi cable. I stumble on this feature thru you tube. Search 4s mirroring, some are demonstrated with cable but there was one that shows where I got my instructions.
And yeah those are the apps at the bottom when double click the home button, slide them all the way to the right. If you have the 4s, apple tv that does air play and tv with Hdmi hook up then you should be able to mirror wirelessly. Also the games that are HD fills up the whole tv screen. Just check out you tube.
And one correction: the double click of home button does not show you a list of apps "running in the background" - it simply shows you all the apps you own in a linear fashion for quick choosing. And they're in order of 'last one used' left to right.
A correction for a correction. Double clicking brings up the apps that you've recently used. Not sure what the cutoff time is for how far back it goes or whether they're all still "running". But one thing it definitely does NOT do is bring up all the apps you own.
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I asked in the Apple Store the other day and I was told you can't use a 4S to mirror- only iPads do it.
noddy said:
I asked in the Apple Store the other day and I was told you can't use a 4S to mirror- only iPads do it.

Not true. The 4s does mirror. I have tried it.

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iphone4ever said:
Not true. The 4s does mirror. I have tried it.

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I second that. Have been mirroring with the HDMI connector.

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Ok guys, again with this you don't need cable, maybe this feature the apple employee doesn't know about.
By the way my apple tv firmware is 4.4.3. I'm telling you guys this feature is the best. I also bought the fling mini joystick for iPhone and now I'm playing my games again.
HUNTER1 said:
Ok guys, again with this you don't need cable, maybe this feature the apple employee doesn't know about.
By the way my apple tv firmware is 4.4.3. I'm telling you guys this feature is the best. I also bought the fling mini joystick for iPhone and now I'm playing my games again.

That's good to know but some of us don't have (yet) the coin to drop on an Apple TV.

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So, does the icon appear on your phone when it's in range of an apple Tv unit then? I haven't got the icon on my 4S and it wouldn't appear when I was stood in front of a working unit in the store. The employee came over and asked me if I needed help. Told him I was interested in Apple Tv but how does it work on my 4S and he said it doesn't- only iPads work.
I have seen the YouTube vids since then, showing mirroring work, so I don't doubt it does work.