Can't dial out!

Can't dial out!


New Member
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Jan 4, 2011
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This has happened a couple of times now - I type in or pick a contact to ring, but there's no dial out/ringing tone - the phone is showing the person I'm ringing and looks like its ringing, but nothing happens?? I have tried ringing my home number to see if the call is actually going through, but its not. Any suggestions.

Thanx in advance
I've had that happen now and again when I've got a poor signal. Used to happen on my old samsung aswell so not just an iPhone thing. Just have to hang up and try again...
Thanx Gaz, thought maybe there was something else I could do - I've always have full signal strength when its happened - yesterday it was over half hour and dozens of attempts to get it to work - would be knackered if I need help in an emergency :eek:
If it happens often and when you've got a strong signal I would try a restore. If that didn't solve it I would ask apple for a replacment.

It only happens to me once every 2-3 weeks when I've got one bar and trying to make a call...
ok - I'm still having this problem - can anyone tell me that if I restore my phone will I loose everything on it like txt etc

You won't lose a thing. iTunes backs up all your data before restoring. You will have to sync back all your apps, music etc...
Thanx Gaz, I backed it up and restored it, lets hope this has sorted the problem!
Up until this morning, my phones been ok, but it's started doing it again! When I can't dial out or receive calls/txts etc it always says searching as if the signal has gone, but it only ever does it when I'm at home, but my hubbys iPhone is perfectly ok??