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Phone Battery

The Apple online store in the United States sells refurbished iPhones. They sell at a small discount over new prices and come with a full one year warranty and you can add AppleCare+. The refurbished iPhones come with a new battery and case and look just like new.
Oh, I would be interested if the price was really good. Thanks, scifan57.
Thank you, 933. Yes, I hoped to keep it for as long as possible. It is a few years old now, but so long as it does what I want it to do, I would prefer to avoid buying another expensive iPhone. This has been a good phone for my purposes, and it is built very well. My eyes, however, are getting worse and worse, and I now fear I eventually have to look for one with a little bigger screen, which is a shame because I prefer this size phone.
It is a 6 yr old battery. Even with what you think is limited use, it’s a very old battery. They figure about 500 full charges per battery life. And you have owned the phone for 6 yrs, charging ¾ life every time you charge it. Start figuring out if you want to replace it or the phone because, I predict, your iPhone 5s days are limited.
Oh, gosh, bear7962, that sounds ominous! I guess if push comes to shove, and it looks like that is about to happen, I will opt for a battery replacement. Does anyone think I can get another 3-5 years use out of my 5s?
Oh, gosh, bear7962, that sounds ominous! I guess if push comes to shove, and it looks like that is about to happen, I will opt for a battery replacement. Does anyone think I can get another 3-5 years use out of my 5s?
Use yes, but no more IOS updates, which includes security updates. If you get an iPhone 8 you can save a bit and still get the updates and good performance. TKe some time and research what is best for you.
Agreed. If all you intend to do with the phone is calling and messaging, maybe an app here and there, then by all means get a battery and use it. If you use the phone for apps and such, upgrading isn’t a bad idea. The iPhone 8 is a great phone. My son just got an 8 plus, and he likes it very much, although the promise of getting an iPhone 11 makes him happy as well LOL! It basically all comes down to what you use the phone for. Many apps are updating to the newest version of IOS, and may not work on older versions of IOS. In the end it’s all boils down to what you use the phone for the most.
Thanks, bear7962 and 933. I am probably going to opt for a new battery and try to extend use of the phone for at least another couple of years. I just had another iOS update a couple of days ago. For me, it is mainly a phone. I use Siri to help me navigate to unfamiliar addresses, and I occasionally use a few other apps, but I do not use them often.

I rely much more heavily on my laptop, but I am also probably going to let my ISP go by the end of October. I have been paying roughly $50 a month for an ISP, but other living expenses rose exponentially this past Summer, so something has to give. Property taxes rose by about 40% in one go, and my rent accordingly rose by $200 a month in one go. Something has to go. I might try to find another ISP. The cable company has an introductory rate although I am not keen to use them. Their services are not highly regarded. Really do not want to be without an ISP, though. I do not have cable or anything like that---just my ISP and my phone. Basically, they are all I need, but the ISP will likely be history by the end of the month.
Thanks, bear7962 and 933. I am probably going to opt for a new battery and try to extend use of the phone for at least another couple of years. I just had another iOS update a couple of days ago. For me, it is mainly a phone. I use Siri to help me navigate to unfamiliar addresses, and I occasionally use a few other apps, but I do not use them often.

I rely much more heavily on my laptop, but I am also probably going to let my ISP go by the end of October. I have been paying roughly $50 a month for an ISP, but other living expenses rose exponentially this past Summer, so something has to give. Property taxes rose by about 40% in one go, and my rent accordingly rose by $200 a month in one go. Something has to go. I might try to find another ISP. The cable company has an introductory rate although I am not keen to use them. Their services are not highly regarded. Really do not want to be without an ISP, though. I do not have cable or anything like that---just my ISP and my phone. Basically, they are all I need, but the ISP will likely be history by the end of the month.
Research that first too. Internet for $50 is less than I can get it for u less I sign up for a cable tv package to go with it, but that would save nothing.
Yes, I agree. They offer to reduce one bill, but in order to do it, you have to buy something else! It is crazy.
Also check into what your cell service consists of. You may have be able to use your phone as a hot spot for your laptop to have internet. It varies by carrier, but some have unlimited data usage like myself. I get 15gb of high speed mobile hotspot use per month, after 15gb they will and have accordingly, reduced speed when I have gone over the 15gb limit. It depends on your area whether or not you’ll run into this. At an rate, I hope things work out for you. Have a great day and keep moving forward!!
Wow, 933, that is a great idea! Thanks so much for suggesting it! I have never heard of using the phone as a hot spot, but it makes a lot of sense that it should be able to do that. My carrier is Crickett Wireless which is owned by ATT of course. I doubt my plan has unlimited data, but I will check. It is hard to even gage what is 15gb worth. Unlike my phone, I use m lap top A LOT every day. I will contact Crickett and see what they tell me. Thanks again for the idea and your good wishes. :)
bear7962, my ISP with U-Verse started out at $15 a month. They rapidly went up on the rate over the nest couple of years, however, until it reached $50 a month! The next time they tried to go up on the rate, I belled them and said, "I feel I already pay you a very fair price for the service I receive. However, if it is not enough for you, then I will find another ISP because I am not going to pay you any more than I am already paying, so either let me know you are happy with this amount, or we can to close the account today on my last day of prepaid service."

I think they were shocked, but I meant it! They told me to call the "customer loyalty/retention" number on the last day of my service, which I did so, and they managed to keep me at the same rate. Companies will take as much as they think they can get away with taking from you if you let them. That is their raison d'etre.

I had a similar experience with Firestone. I was giving them thousands of dollars of business each year trying to keep my old motor running after breakdowns, vandalisms, etc.

One night, someone either drunk as a skunk or high as a kite hit my motor as it was parked on the road in front of my house. They hit me unbelievably hard given that I live on a quiet, residential road that is reasonably wide. They did a tremendous amount of damage and even left park of their bumper in the street! My motor was not drivable. They knocked the ball joint out of the tire area and bent the axel. I never got an estimate on the body work because it would have been A LOT more than then the vehicle could be sold for.

Anyway, I had it towed to Firestone, and they wanted $1200.00 to repair the mechanical damage. I replied, I will give you $800 and not a penny more. I have spent more than enough here these last 10-15 years to buy a new motor, and if $800 is not enough for you, I will find a garage who is happy to do the same work for that amount of money. I stood firm because I was tired of problems with their work---a long story in and of itself.

They argued at first and then sent the message up the line until someone approved it, and finally, they said okay. They did not want $800 worth of work to walk away from that location. I was both glad I made them accept the price I was willing to pay, but I was also very angry because I believe they had been overcharging me by a staggering amount over the years.

It is so hit and miss with Firestone. Some locations do good work, but other locations, like the one near me, you end up bringing your vehicle back at least once because they did not get it right. It is not consistent either. One location may do great work for a whole year, and the next year, the quality of their work plummets. It has to do with who they attract to the jobs I am sure. Good people do not stay for very long.

With one problem, I brought it back at least 6 times. They never did get it right, and I decided then to look for another garage. Anyway, I mention this story as another example of how they will take as much from you as they think they can get away with before you leave their business. Most customers, myself included, spent their whole lives just paying whatever companies dictated. I no longer do that.
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I just read that Apple was offering $29 battery replacements last January! Drats! Wish I had known about it then. Oh, well..... :(