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iOS 4.2.1 jailbroke but cydia will not install


New Member
Dec 28, 2010
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I used redsnow to jailbreak my iPhone 4 with the 4.2.1 software and the Cydia icon is a white icon and will not allow me to open it to install the software on my phone. Is there something I missed in performing the steps to jailbreak it or is there something I need to do differently?

Thanks for you help!

You need to run Redsnow again but this time, instead of checking off "install Cydia", uncheck that option and select the "just boot tethered right now" option. Once you go thru the process, Cydia should work.
The tethered reboot to get white Cydia to work after jb of ios 5 beta 2 using redsn0w 0.98b1 giving me trouble. I'll try again. Hope I have this right: DUF mode then run redsn0w, browse and reselect ios 5 beta 2 firmware and wait for the JB to do it's thing then finally check tethered reboot only and try again ?
Am I missing anything ? Thanks.
Got Cydia on JB 5 beta 2. All was well and I installed my repos.
My experience with this jailbreak of 5 beta 2 is
not the best. Cydia apps will not work without a reboot, tethered,
but something related to substrate is not being configured and the result
is nothing from Cydia works for me.
I have returned to non jailbreak 5 beta 2.
Will wait for a better break or Fix before JB.
The 5 beta 2 is OK but still needs lots of work.
Apps load super slow and using Windows 7 with
the 10+ iTunes is a royal pain. I am unable to
get over the air sync as advertised as yet to
DL music, videos, photos from PC to iPhone 4.
I can get my apps from the iPhone in app store,
purchased but that's it. Looking for news from
others who have experience with 5 beta 2, iPhone 4,
windows 7, iTunes 10+. Please post your
experience as this is a big learning curve for me.
All beta jailbreaks will be tethered. The devs wont waste an exploit for a beta. It's likely there won't be an untethered jailbreak until 5.0.1.

Wifi sync is only for mac at the moment...
All beta jailbreaks will be tethered. The devs wont waste an exploit for a beta. It's likely there won't be an untethered jailbreak until 5.0.1.

Wifi sync is only for mac at the moment...
Glad to know about the wifi, i have beta 2 on my ipod 4th gen and i couldnt figue out why i did'nt have the wireless sync option....Thanks
All beta jailbreaks will be tethered. The devs wont waste an exploit for a beta. It's likely there won't be an untethered jailbreak until 5.0.1.

Wifi sync is only for mac at the moment...
Glad to know about the wifi, i have beta 2 on my ipod 4th gen and i couldnt figue out why i did'nt have the wireless sync option....Thanks

I was disappointed to find that out after installing beta 2. Was looking forward to trying it...
Please post your
experience as this is a big learning curve for me.

I'm not sure what you were expecting joepe. You are running a beta firmware which is supposed to be for developers only, coupled with a tethered beta jailbreak, again which is only supposed to be for JB application developers only. That was all quite clearly stated on the dev-team blog.

The reason nothing works is because all the developers are busy developing their software to build in IOS5 compatibility. A major iOS release normally requires significant re-development of code, particularly things like mobile substrate which are hooked into the kernel.

My advice would be to do yourself a favour, revert to 4.3.3 and an untethered jailbreak until a public release of IOS5 and its associated JB is available.

The bleeding edge is no place for anyone other than developers at this stage!
Thank you for your thoughts. I appreciate the developmental aspect of 5b2 & tethered JB associated. I am a registered, paid, developer with specific interest in building apps designed for the new to be iPhone 5 with the distinct utilization for interconnection with Windows OS.
I understand that many if not most iPhone users are PC users. Apple wants to sell phones, PCs, et. al. however market of apps for smartphones rely on utility.
I may have attempted to manage the downside of using a PC for iOS development but I want to provide a product to this particular market.
I ran out of patience and gone back to
JB iOS 4.3.3 and will wait it out unless I see a fix or upgrade beta that's friendly to Windows/iTunes. Although I am new to Apple Development, I have years of beta testing experience with competitive products. Didn't mean to go on and on but clarity leads to constructive input.
Indeed, it's good to understand the details. But I think the advice is the same. If you are learning to develop Apple applications and even extensions which may require a jailbreak, the right place for you to learn is still 4.3.3.

A comparison of what you were attempting from a Windows environment would be saying you are learning Windows dll development using a Beta of Windows8 and a Beta of Visual Studio. That's just not the most effective way to learn in a stable environment :)

Now you are back on 4.3.3, you mentioned Windows interconnection. Have you looked into the new Cydia app called "PC Networking"? It provides samba access to jailbroken iphone file system via Windows. Very nice. You may like to look into this as it was developed on Windows using a dedicated build environment which runs on Windows. This may be right up your street.

iOS Build Environment for Windows by Pierre-Marie Baty

Hope that helps.