Geohot jailbreak? Your thoughts.

Geohot jailbreak? Your thoughts.


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Jul 8, 2010
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This may be old news to some but geohot has just claimed to have the ip4 jailbroken but apparently doesnt plan on releasing it. Given his history i wouldnt be suprised if he has but considering his recent determination to help everyone, do you think he really isnt going to release? What are your thoughts?
I dont think he gives a reason. He has his own set of pics but so does everyone else. Just a matter of who will release first.
To many haters and sometimes that will make a person lose Interest in something they were once passionate about.
This picture can be a print screen from 3G or 3Gs and transfer in the Iphone4 i can also do exactly the same picture in no time without any trouble …. does that mean i have JB the iPhone4 ?

edit: I did one just for fun …. do my iPhone4 is JB not at all la but the picture show cydia :))
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More like complainers but then if he had no plans to release why post the pics? Seems like he was asking for it he could of easily said and posted nothing and had no haters or complainers btw I'm none of them just pointing it out that's all.
More like complainers but then if he had no plans to release why post the pics? Seems like he was asking for it he could of easily said and posted nothing and had no haters or complainers btw I'm none of them just pointing it out that's all.

Me too i seriously don’t care as i have unlock factory and he work fine and will never again JB my device yet it’s absolutely useless (in my eyes) i also think the app’s in Cydia are not so polished and tested as in the App Store … of corse can’t deny the strict control of Apple is too much but i can live without this app’s so for me it’s fine
Exactly. That's why I won't be either. It's factory unlocked. But there are some very good cydia apps out there. But it's too much hassle.
Last time I checked his twitter, he said he doesn't even own an iphone 4 and don't plan to jailbreak anytime soon.
Haha. He said on his twitter he doesnt even own one? His main daily user is an iphone so i know he has an iphone 4, despite whether its jailbroken or not. As for if it is... I dont think its too far fetched as the dev team already has theirs unlocked and jailbroken. Its usually not about whether it is or not. Its about how stable it is and whether or not they feel comfortable releasing it. Like i said earlier. Geohotz's history can back him up but whether or not its stable may be the reason why hes not releasing it. Its all speculation and theories so dont dog me but the bottom line is we are close to seeing an unlock but most importantly, a jailbreak!
Blob banter

Those of you with jailbroken iPhone3G and ipt2G devices may now have noticed Cydia starting to save your SHSH blobs too, just like it does for iPhone3GS, ipt3G and later devices. That’s because starting with 4.0, Apple started putting a “soft” SHSH blob check in the firmware. The SHSH blob check is very real in the sense that if iTunes can’t get your blobs (because the Apple signing window has closed), the iTunes restore will error out. But it’s “soft” in the sense that those devices can always use redsn0w or PwnageTool to get past the error (the bootroms themselves for those devices don’t require blobs to be in the firmware files, unlike the newer bootroms).

Furthermore, since the 3.x IPSWs for these devices don’t enforce it, you can always restore to 3.x IPSWs outside of any signing windows.

So, Cydia is doing this to allow you to continue to use iTunes to restore to 4.x on iPhone3G and ipt2g outside of Apple’s signing window without needing to use redsn0w or PwnageTool to get around Apple’s annoying new restriction.

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