General discussion on installing themes and encountered issues

General discussion on installing themes and encountered issues


New Member
Thread Starter
Oct 7, 2011
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Cocoa, Florida
I started this thread by moving posts members added in the Show Your Home Screens Show Your Home Screens thread. My intent is to separate discussion on theme install issues from a thread where members are posting and sharing their home screens. Additionally, creating a separate thread will provide a resource for members who are seeking help/assistance installing or changing themes. I hope this is helpful for our community.


How oh how...can I get my MMS screen to look like that?

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LOVE IT! I just bought it and downloaded it...however it took three tries to download, it kept failing. When I went to was qeued at intervals of 10MB 20MB and 52MB...then finally on the third attempt at installing it, it went through and I went to winterboard and choose the lockscreen, Existenz, and leather wall...however when I resprung, I had no calander, weather, or photo icon. Anyone know why? Perhaps a bad install?

I went to iPhone browser and checked the folders...and I "DO" have a photo folder...but the icon is blank. I could not find a calander or weather folder.

I'm back in cydia right now and reinstalling it again. It failed the first time as I suspected it would...but it was queud at 15MB...and I just hit install again. I'll keep you posted. I SO WANT THIS THEME TOO, lol!
Good luck. Not sure why your having those problems. Mine downloaded fine the first time. Love the theme. Can't tell you how many compliments I have gotten. It takes some work getting it all set up but well worth the finish product!!!
I am going to try and download blackups...a MUCH smaller theme 10MB total...I know it has themed weather, clock, and photo...I'll look in the folders to see what to name the folders...put them in the Existenz theme and make the three icons. I'm a photoshop expert, goes nothing :)
That sucks. You shouldn't lose those icons. It only took about 6 minutes for the theme to download. Make sure you print out the directions from the modmyi website because you will need them to set up theme properly. And definitely buy springtomize to add further functionality.
The existenz them calendar clock and weather icons are blank. Their like that so you can hide them in the widgets. I dont use those widgets so i just deleted the calendar blank icon and let themeiconmaker theme the stock calendar and grabbed a weather and clock icon from the modmyi thread.
I set it up like the directions said. You put your stock clock, weather and calendar on home screen along right side. Install theme and they go blank but are taken over by the widgets. Then you use ifile to configure things.
Ya, I figured that out after Not a fan of the widgets either. So I'm going to do what you said...delete the blank icon in the theme.

Question....where would I find a weather and clock icon in the Modmyi thread? Also, is there any possible way I can get rid of the animations from switching page to page...I liked my Barrel app "transitions" alot better.

The existenz them calendar clock and weather icons are blank. Their like that so you can hide them in the widgets. I dont use those widgets so i just deleted the calendar blank icon and let themeiconmaker theme the stock calendar and grabbed a weather and clock icon from the modmyi thread.
Ya, I figured that out after Not a fan of the widgets either. So I'm going to do what you said...delete the blank icon in the theme.

Question....where would I find a weather and clock icon in the Modmyi thread? Also, is there any possible way I can get rid of the animations from switching page to page...I liked my Barrel app "transitions" alot better.

I didnt get any transition animations with the theme, I just use my barrel animation. As for the modmi thread icons theyre here. Winterboard Existenz - Page 67 Now if you want to have the date on your calendar icon your best bet is to delete the mobilecal folder in the theme and use the stock calendar icon then let themeiconmaker create an existenz style themed calendar icon for ya.
I gotta try out that theme.. looks so good and at 71MB lets hope its worth the money

Last night, I purchased EquiX, Existnez, GridLock, InfinDock, IconoClasm, iFile plus SpringJump, PerPage.

My first attempt was not pretty! At 2 AM, I returned to stock. Need to regroup, reread the installs for each and try later this afternoon.

Last night, I purchased EquiX, Existnez, GridLock, InfinDock, IconoClasm, iFile plus SpringJump, PerPage.

My first attempt was not pretty! At 2 AM, I returned to stock. Need to regroup, reread the installs for each and try later this afternoon.


Try springtomize 2 as well it is very good
I started this thread by moving posts members added in the Show Your Home Screens thread. My intent is to separate discussion on theme install issues from a thread where members are posting and sharing their home screens. Additionally, creating a separate thread will provide a resource for members who are seeking help/assistance installing or changing themes. I hope this is helpful for our community.


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