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Using Part of a Theme


New Member
Jan 9, 2013
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This post be somewhere else on the forum, and if so, I apologize for that. But I'm using a theme called iPix HD, and I love the lock screen but don't care to much for the rest of it. How exactly would I go about separating the lockscreen from the rest of it using iFile. I'm not sure as to what folders to use, rename, and move. This theme is also applied in Winterboard.
What I'd really like to do would be to have just the lockscreen available to use as I please in Winterboard.

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Here is the lockscreen. It has date, time, and weather forecast for a set location.


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Simply extract the Lockscreen portion of the theme out of the entire bundle, and put it in its own bundle. For example, if the directory of the Lockscreen portion of the theme is located in /var/stash/Themes.XXXX/iPixHD/bundle/Lockscreen (probably not the actual directory but just as an example), you would extract the entire /Lockscreen folder out, go back to /var/stash/Themes.XXXX, create a new directory called say iPixHDLS, then go into that directory and create another directory called "bundle", then paste the /Lockscreen that you copied out into the new bundle. As long as you keep the directory pathing the same but with a different "mother" folder name (in this case iPixHD), you've basically isolated the portion that you want to keep as its own theme. Then open up Winterboard, and implement "iPixHDLS" that's new on the list of themes.
I don't see a folder with anything to do with the lockscreen in Bundles. I have found a folder for nearly everything else. But the Lockbackground.html in the pic below does show the background for the lock screen.
Could it have to do with the fact that this lockscreen has a lot going on in it. Weather, time, moving words?


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It would most likely be in bundles or Folders.