Considering going iPhone 7 plus

Considering going iPhone 7 plus


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Dec 29, 2016
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Hi all. This looks like a pretty nice forum. I've always been Android and had developer / pure Android and currently have a Nexus 6.

I'm considering moving to a 7 plus so I'm here doing lots of reading and trying to decide between the 7 plus and the Pixel XL.

If anyone has insight, I'm all ears!

Look at owners longer term reviews on the pixel before making a choice, I am seeing people disappointed with that impressive camera's pictures.
Hi and thanks. Still researching here. I cannot for the life of me find anything about which phone works as the best phone on my network. I happen to be with Verizon in the US. To be honest, things like the camera, screen clarity, etc don't much matter to me. I'm much more interested in which phone has the best signal, especially in poor coverage areas or inside like where I work. My Nexus 6 on Verizon is the only phone that will receive calls and messages. Which one has the best battery life. Maybe which has the best LTE signal for voice over LTE and web browsing.

I'm having a terrible to impossible time finding anything like that. :(
I don't think you'll find that info in any available review unless the reviewer lived near your location and used the iPhone exactly as you would. Also, performance between different units of the same model can frequently differ in actual performance at a given location. How you use your phone also has an effect on its performance. Apple does have a 15 day return policy so you could buy the 7 Plus and see how it performs for you. If you're not satisfied, you can return the phone for a full refund.
I don't think you'll find that info in any available review unless the reviewer lived near your location and used the iPhone exactly as you would. Also, performance between different units of the same model can frequently differ in actual performance at a given location. How you use your phone also has an effect on its performance. Apple does have a 15 day return policy so you could buy the 7 Plus and see how it performs for you. If you're not satisfied, you can return the phone for a full refund.

Maybe I'm expecting too much anymore. I just remember when websites would get two competing phones, set them as close as possible and test them head to head. Drive them around to known low signal areas and see which had the best connectivity, which battery lasted longer, which surfed the web fastest... I guess I long for the old days when nobody cared about the camera, etc.

And you're saying that your iPhone 7 Could be faster than my iPhone 7 but slower than "Bill's" iPhone 7 in the same location? Your battery could last longer than mine? That sounds like a major hardware or software issue. They should perform extremely close. Definitely nothing noticable. I've never heard of such a thing before? Assuming new out of the box phones of course.
Generally, if subjected to identical use, two phones of the same model would perform very closely. Individual use can have the battery on one phone last longer than another. It all depends how you use the phone. The cases you use on a phone can also have an impact on signal quality.
Generally, if subjected to identical use, two phones of the same model would perform very closely. Individual use can have the battery on one phone last longer than another. It all depends how you use the phone. The cases you use on a phone can also have an impact on signal quality.
Oh, exactly! That's why I said brand new out of the box phones. I'd expect two or ten to be extremely close in speed, battery life, etc. I know lipos vary from one to another. I fly small RC helicopters and batteries vary in capacity from the rated mAh all the time. That's a given but it's also expected that a battery rated at 2200 mAh is a minimum of 2200 when tested.

And that's why I miss the real life, head to head tests I guess. It made it much simpler to say which phone worked better, lasted longer, etc.

I guess at 40+ I'm too old and mature to care if one phone takes a better picture or has a brighter screen than another. I keep the brightness all the way down to maximize battery life, and I'll use my camera if I want to take a picture. Again, I'm not wasting the battery in my phone for that or music or YouTube or the like.

I want to know I have the best possible connectivity to my network.
Firstly l am no expert, in the iPhone 7plus you have one of the best Apple iPhones available. Moving from Android to IOS takes understanding that l'm sure will not be a problem for you. From what you write about connectivity, l feel the you must speak to Network Providers. Regarding battery life that as with all things as you know depends on usage.
And as scifan says 14 day refund is something to keep in mind. Check if wherever your buying your iPhone from offers that!
The return policy is definitely an upside to buying directly from Apple. I don't know what the customer service is like but at least you know who to call.

Here anyway, it seems providers aren't very willing to "step on anyone's toes" so to speak and won't willingly admit which phone, whether be an Apple, Samsung, LG, etc has the best connectivity to the network.

Oh well, still researching. Thanks!
Hi all. This looks like a pretty nice forum. I've always been Android and had developer / pure Android and currently have a Nexus 6.

I'm considering moving to a 7 plus so I'm here doing lots of reading and trying to decide between the 7 plus and the Pixel XL.

If anyone has insight, I'm all ears!

Loved the Pixel XL, but I left it for the iPhone 7 Plus, because I missed iOS. Understand, I regularly swap back and forth. I'm sure I'll pick up another Pixel XL in a few months. However, I keep going back to iOS because it works. You don't have to try and see how to make something work, or turn off the bluetooth and then back on to connected, or reboot constantly, or go into Airplane mode and back because it's stuck on 3G. Oh wait. I had to do that with my last iPhone 7 Plus, so maybe you do have to do that sometimes. However, both phones are the best right now. You have to decide if you really want to up and leave an environment that you know and start over again. Switching isn't really the problem. The problem comes when you want to open your favorite app that you paid for on Android, and now you have to pay for it all over again on iOS.

I will say this, the Pixel XL had the best LTE radio of any phone I've ever had. My work is cellphone hell, and I never lost my LTE signal on the Pixel XL. The iPhone does a good job, but nothing was like my Pixel's strength. My first 7 Plus had horrible signal. That was why I switch to the Pixel XL, because my first 7 Plus's signal, however, it must have been a bad device, because this second 7 Plus works just fine.

No Android phone can beat the iPhone's battery life. If you turn everything off on the Android, you can get pretty good life out of it, but you don't have to do anything with the iPhone and it'll still get better battery life than a working Android. This is because Apple controls the hardware. I figured the Pixel could keep up, but it can't. I can go almost 2 full working days on the 7 Plus. I couldn't go an entire day with the Pixel XL.

So, decide if you really want to move to iOS first. It's what's important.
I'm on my second year of iOS and although sometimes I get urge to try a new Android I'm really happy with overall iOS experience and reliability...I also think now that I've used iMessage I don't know how I can do without it ...that along with other iOS exclusives have me leaning to staying on iOS for good ...
What is iOS exclusive? Just curious?

It sounds like you're a former Android user. What do you miss most about Android?

What is iOS exclusive? Just curious?

It sounds like you're a former Android user. What do you miss most about Android?


iMessage and FaceTime just work better than anything that Android has to offer ...I have too many friends with iPhones just makes it so convenient... some apps work better on iOS just overall experience is better IMO ... Apple Pay I like over Android / Samsung pay ..

I miss Android mostly bc I would use a Nexus device or unlocked device and customize the crap out of it ...flashing new ROMS has always been fun to me ... Note series phones from Samsung are favorites as well ... overall iOS Kees me happy and I only need to get a new phone once a year now [emoji13]

Edit : you know what I don't miss about Android is watching my battery stats and wondering why today is a bad drain while yesterday wasn't ...apps not refreshing in background are more efficient on iOS seemed like everyday someone posted why my battery not getting enough or my screen on time more worries just use your phone and enjoy !
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Cool, thanks for all the information! I've always had Nexus devices and run Android in it's pure form. Never got into rooting or the like. Always said I was going to root this Nexus 6, never did.

I usually keep a phone at least 2 years. This one is two years old this month.

It went through a phase just over a week ago where I wasn't getting any notifications except calls. Nothing with any messaging apps, eBay, social media. Nothing. Never did figure out why and then they started to slowly all work again. I was ready to smash it with a hammer, LOL!

Battery life ... Uugh. I'm really over having to charge my phone once or twice a day with what I'd call light to moderate use.

I know I'd seriously miss the ability to stick shortcuts anywhere on the screen. The ones I use all the time are under my thumb so I can hit them easily. And rarely used by me apps like the calendar aren't on the screen at all.

The "it just works" is what I think has me leaning to iOS and the much longer support time of Apple. Like 10.2 even going to the 5 from 1012! Google said the N6 would get Android 7 in November or December. Yea, still don't have it.
I'm on my second year of iOS and although sometimes I get urge to try a new Android I'm really happy with overall iOS experience and reliability...I also think now that I've used iMessage I don't know how I can do without it ...that along with other iOS exclusives have me leaning to staying on iOS for good ...

I am the same way... I've only been on IOS for two months but I'm not seeing how I can go back. Like BK said now that I've used iMessage I don't know how I could go on without it.
I love love love the battery life of my 7+... it is hands down better than any android I've owned.

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