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best navigation app for iPhone 5 which gives you voice direction commands?

Hi there...I will move this to the app section where you will get better attention.

Thank you.
iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
I haven't tried it but I heard good reports about mapquest. I may use it tomorrow

I have tried Apple Maps only once, testing it on giving me directions home from the Verizon Store. It did make a mistake but if you knew the road I was on you could almost see how it could happen. Nevertheless it didn't give me correct directions.

I think I will try Apple Maps again tomorrow, this is going someplace I'm not familiar with. I will have mapquest with me incase I get a #fail from Apple Maps.

I have a feeling that this problem with Apple Maps is overblown, but time will tell. I also think Apple will fix it in a short amount of time.