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Advice on Modding/Jailbreaking my iPhone 4


New Member
Jun 16, 2011
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So, I'm on 01.95.00 and 4.0.2. I'd really appreciate some advice on jailbreaking and making modifications to my phone. First and foremost, I want to make sure my phone doesn't lose any performance or stability by the modifications I do to it. I know that jailbreaking can compromise my phone's security due to the fact that I can load whatever apps I want to it, but I can deal with that. What I don't want is to deal with annoying problems that are directly due to the jailbreaking/modding I choose.

Although I haven't done anything to my phone as of yet, I do have a LOT of experience with computers, software, warez, and modding other devices, so basically, I can handle nearly any level of difficulty required. That said, I do have a life and would rather choose a well proven method rather than spend the next year trying to get my phone to work properly.

At this point, unless I hear compelling reasons to do more, I really just want to be able to load applications without being tied to using the iTunes store. It would also be cool to be able to store files in various directories that I could access via USB or a web browser, but that's not super important. I guess modding might be cool too, but I honestly don't know what's available. Thanks in advance for the help!


EDIT: I think I'd also prefer to operate unteathered, as I don't usually have my laptop with me, and it would suck to have my phone out of commission if it crashes.
So, I'm on 01.95.00 and 4.0.2. I'd really appreciate some advice on jailbreaking and making modifications to my phone. First and foremost, I want to make sure my phone doesn't lose any performance or stability by the modifications I do to it. I know that jailbreaking can compromise my phone's security due to the fact that I can load whatever apps I want to it, but I can deal with that. What I don't want is to deal with annoying problems that are directly due to the jailbreaking/modding I choose.

Although I haven't done anything to my phone as of yet, I do have a LOT of experience with computers, software, warez, and modding other devices, so basically, I can handle nearly any level of difficulty required. That said, I do have a life and would rather choose a well proven method rather than spend the next year trying to get my phone to work properly.

At this point, unless I hear compelling reasons to do more, I really just want to be able to load applications without being tied to using the iTunes store. It would also be cool to be able to store files in various directories that I could access via USB or a web browser, but that's not super important. I guess modding might be cool too, but I honestly don't know what's available. Thanks in advance for the help!


EDIT: I think I'd also prefer to operate unteathered, as I don't usually have my laptop with me, and it would suck to have my phone out of commission if it crashes.

all the firmwares are jailbroken, so you can upgrade to 4.3.3 and jailbreak using redsn0w, its a simple procedure that is available in the hacking section or use iClarified - Apple News and Tutorials for tutorials. but i would have a read through what you need to do and make yourself familiar with what you need to do and to make sure that you dont slip up and do anything wrong, its impossible to break the phone while trying to jailbreak and if you make a mistake a simple restore will fix things, but its more hassle then anything else..

so you can download apps like sbsettings or winterboard with themes and also animated boot logos and the ability to SSH into your iphone and mod and change things or add things like mp3s and sms tones. and apps like celeste for bluetooth send/receive and infini dock/folders what allows you to have as many apps in a folder and as many apps int he dock as you wish the tweaks are endless and there is a full list in cydia with the explanation of what they do so you can try if you like the sound and look of it.

it makes no difference what baseband your on only if you rely on unlock? if you do then you would need to use a tool like pwnage tool for mac or sn0wbreeze for windows to stop the baseband upgrading
What are all the reasons someone could have for wanting to unlock? Is it only to be able to use a different service provider. Is there any advantage to upgrading my baseband, such as increasing the phone's performance? Is it possible to downgrade my baseband back to 01.95.00 if I choose to later? Thanks!
What are all the reasons someone could have for wanting to unlock? Is it only to be able to use a different service provider. Is there any advantage to upgrading my baseband, such as increasing the phone's performance? Is it possible to downgrade my baseband back to 01.95.00 if I choose to later? Thanks!

thats the only reason why some one would want unlock, to use another carrier.

you cant downgrade so once you upgrade from 01.59 thats it.. until there is a new unlock for a newer baseband
What are all the reasons someone could have for wanting to unlock? Is it only to be able to use a different service provider. Is there any advantage to upgrading my baseband, such as increasing the phone's performance? Is it possible to downgrade my baseband back to 01.95.00 if I choose to later? Thanks!

thats the only reason why some one would want unlock, to use another carrier.

you cant downgrade so once you upgrade from 01.59 thats it.. until there is a new unlock for a newer baseband

Are there ANY advantages to upgrading the baseband?
unless you rely on unlock there really is no reason to keep it on 01.59. preserving the baseband over and over harms your iphone
unless you rely on unlock there really is no reason to keep it on 01.59. preserving the baseband over and over harms your iphone

Cool, that's what I was wondering. Do you know what problems it can cause?

Given that I think I'm probably going to stick with AT&T, what's the current best method of jailbreaking? Thanks!
i would use redsn0w

Did you try the others as well? Why did you choose it? Are there any disadvantages that you know of? I guess you also use Cydia?

thats the reason i jailbreak, to get cydia and all the apps that come with it..

i used redsn0w because of the way it works, you just plug it in and jailbreak after following the steps.. but the alternative to me is pwnage tool which you create a custom firmware and upgrade in itunes, for me i dont like this method and cant be bothered with it. the only reason i see to use it is to preserve the baseband... my iphone is factory unlocked so i never worry about unlock
i would use redsn0w

Did you try the others as well? Why did you choose it? Are there any disadvantages that you know of? I guess you also use Cydia?

thats the reason i jailbreak, to get cydia and all the apps that come with it..

i used redsn0w because of the way it works, you just plug it in and jailbreak after following the steps.. but the alternative to me is pwnage tool which you create a custom firmware and upgrade in itunes, for me i dont like this method and cant be bothered with it. the only reason i see to use it is to preserve the baseband... my iphone is factory unlocked so i never worry about unlock
Ok, that sounds good. Thanks! Do you know if there's some way I can "copy" my phone as it is, including the baseband, so I could potentially revert the changes? I thought i saw something about that somewhere. Or once I upgrade my baseband it's completely permanent?
no, once you upgrade thats it! no turning back

Ok, as long as not being able to unlock is the ONLY disadvantage of not preserving my baseband, I'm gonna upgrade to the latest baseband and firmware and use Redsn0w to jb. Then I can use Cydia to load whatever apps I want? Including ones downloaded using various methods like torrents?

Is there anything else I might want to do?

Are there any known bugs with the current releases of Redsn0w or Cydia that I might want to know about ahead of time?
no, once you upgrade thats it! no turning back

Ok, as long as not being able to unlock is the ONLY disadvantage of not preserving my baseband, I'm gonna upgrade to the latest baseband and firmware and use Redsn0w to jb. Then I can use Cydia to load whatever apps I want? Including ones downloaded using various methods like torrents?

Is there anything else I might want to do?

Are there any known bugs with the current releases of Redsn0w or Cydia that I might want to know about ahead of time?

yes thats the only reason for the baseband to stay at 01.59..

people have reported problems in general with 4.3.3 but i myself have had none.

then you can use cydia to load those jailbroken apps like winterboard...

downloaded apps from torrents? you mean cracked apps? that is something we dont help with here and please avoid talking about them here.
no, once you upgrade thats it! no turning back

Ok, as long as not being able to unlock is the ONLY disadvantage of not preserving my baseband, I'm gonna upgrade to the latest baseband and firmware and use Redsn0w to jb. Then I can use Cydia to load whatever apps I want? Including ones downloaded using various methods like torrents?

Is there anything else I might want to do?

Are there any known bugs with the current releases of Redsn0w or Cydia that I might want to know about ahead of time?

yes thats the only reason for the baseband to stay at 01.59..

people have reported problems in general with 4.3.3 but i myself have had none.

then you can use cydia to load those jailbroken apps like winterboard...

downloaded apps from torrents? you mean cracked apps? that is something we dont help with here and please avoid talking about them here.

Sounds good. Thanks!

So, upgrade, Redsn0w, cydia, and winterboard? Are there any parallel offerings for Cydia or winterboard? Anything worth considering?
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