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Why did I do this?


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Ok so being fed up with my small screen I traded my iphone 5 in and bought a galaxy S5. I am loving the huge screen but that's it.

Thank goodness I didn't upgrade and even traded outright. My upgrade date is in November and I can't wait for the iPhone 6! I am really hoping that all the rumors are true pointing towards a bigger screen.

My old eyes are enjoying the larger space! But I do miss my iphone!

~ Beth ~

"Be nice to those you meet on the way up because you will meet them on the way down."
Ok so being fed up with my small screen I traded my iphone 5 in and bought a galaxy S5. I am loving the huge screen but that's it.

Thank goodness I didn't upgrade and even traded outright. My upgrade date is in November and I can't wait for the iPhone 6! I am really hoping that all the rumors are true pointing towards a bigger screen.

My old eyes are enjoying the larger space! But I do miss my iphone!

~ Beth ~

"Be nice to those you meet on the way up because you will meet them on the way down."

You know...I have heard that from two other people at work. They did the same too where they both bought the Samsung galaxy note-at first they loved the big screen...but that was it. They were so used to what their iPhones did and how easy things were on it, that they too now have second thoughts with their current phones. Now all they talk about is when is Apple releasing their next iPhone! :)
Oh yes this is a familiar story...I too just can't wait for the next new iPhone.
I didn't think that you had this feeling, but only excited for what Apple comes up with next!
Thats what i meant, I am excited to see what Apple is bringing but in particular the iPhone.
Time will tell my friends. But November's contract renewal date can't come fast enough!

~ Beth ~

"Be nice to those you meet on the way up because you will meet them on the way down."
I'm not in such a hurry for a larger screen that I would give up my iPhone 5 for an Android of any size. If the iPhone 6 stays at a 4" screen, then that's what I'll get. I would like to see a 4.7" for the 6 though.
After having the galaxy I refuse to go much smaller than this. I really hope they deliver.

~ Beth ~

"Be nice to those you meet on the way up because you will meet them on the way down."
After having the galaxy I refuse to go much smaller than this. I really hope they deliver.

~ Beth ~

"Be nice to those you meet on the way up because you will meet them on the way down."
I really think they will go bigger this year, They need to keep up with the competition and they know its what most people want, I'm sticking my neck out but i think this is the year.
Thats what i meant, I am excited to see what Apple is bringing but in particular the iPhone.

I am excited too with what they will come out with next. I am not firm on any size. I'll wait to see what Apple comes out with and decide than rather than holding to a certain size limit for me.
It is always good to see what your options are and to try the best of all worlds instead of sticking to one company, I myself have android and apple products windows/osx..etc

the iPhone 6 should be coning soon though and it will be interesting to see what Apple come up with :)
Can we just fast forward to my upgrade date in November?? I am going crazy! Or does someone want to lend me an iphone as a favor until I can upgrade LOL