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What will you be doing that you want the 6+?


New Member
Oct 17, 2014
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Am totally new here and want to get the 6+. Tried it in the store but could not make up my mind for 6 or 6+. Those of you who have the 6+, what will you do with it different than having the iPhone 6?
Am totally new here and want to get the 6+. Tried it in the store but could not make up my mind for 6 or 6+. Those of you who have the 6+, what will you do with it different than having the iPhone 6?
Reading with my aging eyes.
Reading with my aging eyes.
Am totally new here and want to get the 6+. Tried it in the store but could not make up my mind for 6 or 6+. Those of you who have the 6+, what will you do with it different than having the iPhone 6?
My previous phone was a Razr Maxx HD(Verizon). I wanted a phablet sized phone. 4.7" inches was not big enough. 5.5 to 6" was what I was looking for. For videos, more reading room in portrait mode, and a replacement for my 7" Nook Reader. Why iPhone? Because my 2.5 year old iPad 3 is the answer. Even as I type this, the iPad is as reliable as the morning sunrise.
Am totally new here and want to get the 6+. Tried it in the store but could not make up my mind for 6 or 6+. Those of you who have the 6+, what will you do with it different than having the iPhone 6?

My main reason for going for the 6+ versus the 6 was the thought of retiring my iPad mini. I've been using the 6+ for about 3 weeks and have indeed given the iPad mini to my wife. I now use the 6+ for pretty much everything I used to do with the mini. I will admit one thing that helped this decision was also replacing my Macbook Pro 17" with a MacBook Pro 13". I like sitting in bed and doing web searches and Youtube/movie stuff. Never brought the MB 17 to bed because it was just too big. Now I use the MB 13 if I'm doing some serious work. But for the most part I use the 6+ the majority of the time. One thing I do miss is there are many programs still forcing you to view in the portrait mode and not landscape (my preferred viewing position). As far as 6+ versus 6, the usability to me is much better with the 6+ (I'm old and it's much easier on the eyes). The only draw back for me is the carrying size. I got a belt holster for it. It's so big they have a couple of belt loops you thread your belt thru plus the clip. It's great for confidence on your belt and not falling off but it's huge. I'm sure it's very visible when walking around versus the compact little holster I used to have for the 5S.
Honestly at first I did not want the Plus but the standard 6 but, I made a spur of the moment decision and ordered the Plus instead. If I didnt like it, I would just give it to my brother. But now that I have the 6 Plus, I am keeping it and I love it. Me, being a big guy with big hands means the Plus fits like a glove. Granted I cannot type with one hand anymore but the big screen is great and impressive.
Am totally new here and want to get the 6+. Tried it in the store but could not make up my mind for 6 or 6+. Those of you who have the 6+, what will you do with it different than having the iPhone 6?
For me the Bigger Screen like phones with Big Screens and no sd card 16gig of memory
After 5 minutes using the 6+ , the smaller ones seem tiny. The bigger screen size is great for watching video and movies - which is the main reason that I decided on the 6+

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