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Strange icon?


New Member
Aug 18, 2011
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:phone: A new icon has recently appeared at the top of my screen, that I have never seen before.
It is immediately to the left of the "Bluetooth" icon and looks like a very small lock, with an arrow around it. The arrow forms a circle around the lock?
Anyone know what this icon means--I cannot find it in any manuals etc?
It's the screen rotation icon. When you see it, it means that some apps will not rotate when you put the phone on landscape, to enable the screen rotation, double press the home button to reveal the multitasking bar, then scroll to the left and you will see that circle with a lock in it, tap once on that circle to enable screen rotation, tap again to disable the screen rotation.
bab2010 said:
It's the screen rotation icon. When you see it, it means that some apps will not rotate when you put the phone on landscape, to enable the screen rotation, double press the home button to reveal the multitasking bar, then scroll to the left and you will see that circle with a lock in it, tap once on that circle to enable screen rotation, tap again to disable the screen rotation.

+1. Haven't seen this question posted in a while.