No sound on some apps

No sound on some apps


New Member
Thread Starter
Dec 26, 2010
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I have an iPhone 4. Recently have been experiencing issues with the sound. My setting show all sounds to be enabled, and it will play music just fine. But, when I go to play games, no sound. Does anyone know why this might be happening?? Thank you in advance!
sounds strange .Maybe you didnt turn on the sounds about game:)) Happy merry chirsmas:))
does it never play sound? Has it played sounds in the past and now just stopped? The reason I ask is I have seen on my ipod touch from time to time where game sounds stop working. I have found that if I then go in and close all the running apps and then restart the game the sound works.. So it must be a low memory issue where sound stops. So my suggestion is hit the home button twice quickly and see what is running.. If you see many apps close them all and then restart the game and see if that helps.