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Need some convincing to stay..looking to switch to the Droid X


New Member
Nov 13, 2010
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Hello all I recently got the iPhone 4 last month and my 30 day buyers remorse period is about to come to an end, well I just want to some good convincing to stay with the iPhone 4 and not get the Droid X..
Reasoning is because I am not to fond of at&t service I get dropped calls and have no service in my house I have to use the Microcell 3G thing in order to have good service in my house.
When I am not at home the service seems to be fine unless I hit some dead spots. I live in Phoenix, AZ and was wondering if anyone with the iPhone 4 had any issues with their iPhone 4 not getting great coverage on at&t? Thinking about switching to Verizon to get the Droid X and really unsure about doing so, I have had Verizon before and their service is great! I know nothings perfect but I really don't want to regret my decision either way, I feel like either decision I make is the wrong one uhh!! I know I will miss my iPhone 4 and all it's neat apps on it, but I need to decide.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and sorry about the long thread!

Well if you don't get signal in your house I don't think it's the phone.. Just bad network coverage. That would be enough to get me to switch.
Well if you don't get signal in your house I don't think it's the phone.. Just bad network coverage. That would be enough to get me to switch.

I can get signal but over 3G Microcell
ATT network for me is always hit or miss. i always had better reception with verizon.

droid x is a good phone. if you can get better service with verizon, why not? switch and get the iphone for verizon when it comes out ( if it comes out) :)

doesnt look like your getting convinced to stay :X
I feel like either decision I make will be the wrong one.. errr
The Droid X is actually my favorite android phone. I love the screen size and the aftermarket dev support it receives is awesome. If you have any Droid X specific questions, check out Droid X Forum
The Droid X is actually my favorite android phone. I love the screen size and the aftermarket dev support it receives is awesome. If you have any Droid X specific questions, check out Droid X Forum

good to know it's hard for me to switch because the husband won't switch over with me so it's like we will be on 2 different plans 2 different carriers, I almost feel that it is wasteful to do so.
Anyone and their spouse on two different carriers?
I had a Droid X and Captivate recently, each for almost 30 days before returning both (long story). I found that in S. Texas the Verizon network is quite lame and ATT is everywhere, even in most rural areas. When I came back up to North Central Texas I found that even with good Verizon service bars, my ATT service was better and faster. T-Mobile and Sprint -- forget it!!

One more thing: I feel the Apple OS is more stable and solid than the Android.

Just posting my experiences...

I would stay with your iPhone if you can use the 3G microcell. I had the first motorola droid on verizon and their 3G is slower than AT&T. It was disappointing and they're higher priced plus the iPhone 4 totally out shines any phone available. The verizon iPhone is on the way though along with their lte service but AT&T is going to be getting lte also in 2011.
I would stay with your iPhone if you can use the 3G microcell. I had the first motorola droid on verizon and their 3G is slower than AT&T. It was disappointing and they're higher priced plus the iPhone 4 totally out shines any phone available. The verizon iPhone is on the way though along with their lte service but AT&T is going to be getting lte also in 2011.

Great news about the AT&T network upgrades. However, I wonder if the iPhone 4 will be able to use the new upgrades (LTE or 4G...) or will newer hardware (iPhone 5??) be needed? Just thinking out loud....