Just got my IPhone...

Just got my IPhone...


New Member
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Aug 10, 2010
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Coming from a WM device, this looks much simpler to use but so far it doesnt look like I'm able to customize the look and feel exactly the way i want it..

I havent tried jailbreaking yet but we'll see where this goes..

i wish there was a stylus though.. fat fingering messages is a pain so far...

anyways.. howdies!
Welcome....I am new here too and just got my phone today. Mine is still in the box and I'm still at work so I can't do a damn thing..... hehehehe! Goodluck.
The typing is hard at first but u will get the hang of it and the iPhone are boring unless it's jailbroken that adds so much more customization to it.
welcome to the forum skoo. yes iphone does lack the ability to customise it a lot, you should of seen the iphone 2007 or 3g or even 3gs you couldent even have a background pic until i0s4
Welcome....I am new here too and just got my phone today. Mine is still in the box and I'm still at work so I can't do a damn thing..... hehehehe! Goodluck.
haha, i felt the same way when I found out FedEx just shipped it to my door.... I was in a freakin rush to get home.. lol

The typing is hard at first but u will get the hang of it and the iPhone are boring unless it's jailbroken that adds so much more customization to it.
Bump to that man... im still not use to the keyboard but I'm sure it'll get better... and for realz man, jailbroke it the other night and man... tons of cool stuff so far...

Btw, you from Honda-Tech? Ur SN looks familiar

welcome to the forum skoo. yes iphone does lack the ability to customise it a lot, you should of seen the iphone 2007 or 3g or even 3gs you couldent even have a background pic until i0s4

Really?... you would think all these new Iphone features were already available..

btw, just learned to change my background... I tried uploading a jpg to the iphone but couldnt figure that out so I uploaded to photobucket and downloaded it through my phone.. and wham! I was able to set that pix as my wallpaper....

Here's the background I created from back in the days if anyone was into honda civics.. haha
go to i9.photobucket.com/albums/a99/jerryep3/Myspace/BlissSI2.jpg
Hi there!

You could turn the phone to landscape orientation when typing? The keyboard has a little more space between the letters then. I find that works better when my nails are longer lol plus it's easier to hold and type with both hands when in landscape mode.

I disagree with the need to jailbreak though. I have been able to customise my iPhone to a level that I'm happy with without jailbreaking...custom ringtones, wallpapers, vinyls, etc...all are readily available without jailbreaking.
Welcome....I am new here too and just got my phone today. Mine is still in the box and I'm still at work so I can't do a damn thing..... hehehehe! Goodluck.
haha, i felt the same way when I found out FedEx just shipped it to my door.... I was in a freakin rush to get home.. lol

The typing is hard at first but u will get the hang of it and the iPhone are boring unless it's jailbroken that adds so much more customization to it.
Bump to that man... im still not use to the keyboard but I'm sure it'll get better... and for realz man, jailbroke it the other night and man... tons of cool stuff so far...

Btw, you from Honda-Tech? Ur SN looks familiar

welcome to the forum skoo. yes iphone does lack the ability to customise it a lot, you should of seen the iphone 2007 or 3g or even 3gs you couldent even have a background pic until i0s4

Really?... you would think all these new Iphone features were already available..

btw, just learned to change my background... I tried uploading a jpg to the iphone but couldnt figure that out so I uploaded to photobucket and downloaded it through my phone.. and wham! I was able to set that pix as my wallpaper....

Here's the background I created from back in the days if anyone was into honda civics.. haha
go to i9.photobucket.com/albums/a99/jerryep3/Myspace/BlissSI2.jpg

very nice pic. you dont have to upload it to photobucket, you just use itunes and then select the arrow and then use as wallpaper and you can use as either lock screen or wallpaper or both.

and yes the iphone was a lot more limited on what you could do. with jailbreak you where able to do so much and then slowly apple added it like with mms was added with the iphone 3g and not available officially for the 2007 iphone and copy paste, but apple do a good job of it when they finally add it 50 years later