jail breaks and new hacks for iphone 4,ipad ,aphone 3gs,3g

jail breaks and new hacks for iphone 4,ipad ,aphone 3gs,3g

jailbreaking allows for you to install 3rd party apps through cydia that have no been approved by apple its making the hard drive rightable there are some pretty good apps out there that enable ssh that do all sorts of things

some moe info including pics:

Jailbreak iPhone | iPhone News, Help and Guides bigboss made this from firmware 3.0 but it does explain a little better
Nice avatar paliometoxo do you think you can find me one like that one post the link here if you can

thanks the yoda one is here: http://i111.piczo.com/view/3/a/0/v/o/v/g/3/g/4/h/l/img/t188033463_711_3.png

and the vadar one i got it ages ago i cant find it but if you want i can upload it
thanks man i want to use it on my boot screen wen the jailbreak comes out and the vadar if you can it would be nice thanks man
np.. LogoMe has not worked for a long time though unless you use pwnagetool..

wow this will be the first time i can use pwnage tool with my mac..

looks like so many people have jailbreaks but no one wants to release any kind of tool
[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7BbEkgujzk[/ame] hahaha
found post don't know

Dave says:
July 26, 2010 at 8:53 am
DO NOT donate to these people: posixninja, chronic, Spectre, pod2g, OPK, lilstevie, AriX, westbaer, ius, Jaywalker, NerveGas. they r members of chronic-dev team & r known scammers. DON’T DONATE TO THEM.

if u want to donate then give 2 the iphone dev-team, musclenerd, planetbeing, comex, or geohot. these guys r legit and put out the jailbreaks for ur devices so support them. but don’t give to chronic dev or u r thrwoing away your money on scammers!
people still fall for the scammers but hopefully the word will go out and not many will
new avatar what you people think let me know