jail breaks and new hacks for iphone 4,ipad ,aphone 3gs,3g

jail breaks and new hacks for iphone 4,ipad ,aphone 3gs,3g

whats with the indian voice?;p is that real accent?

he looks very young.. i dont understand anything

Lol Yea i Know his more lost then wen i did my first jailbreak lol his a hacker in the making
Musclenerd twitted today on twitter Steady iPhone4 unlock progress with @planetbeing...custom "pp" command to dump thread priorities: Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter
Thanks musclenerd for the base band unlock please donate if you can and coment on this post
twitted today iH8sn0w Just woke up. 12 hours of sleep helps. :). While I was sleeping, @msft_guy figured out how to make iBooty not use libusb. =)
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twitter and why not their blog, i hate twitter

i don't want to speak for any of the jailbreak community but i think that is the best way to post day to day progress if they post it on there blog it would take to much time for them to up date there blog so i think a twitt and every person that is following them gets updated i know some people don't like twitter but i get push on my iphone/ipad wen there is a new post or as we twitters call it a twitt
i am trying to find a pic like my avatar but jail broken if any one out there can make me one or find a cool one ican use that would be real cool and post it here so i can change my avatar wen i am jail broken i will make a vid step by step on how to jail break the iphone 4 wen the tool is out to the public ps my dam avatar battery doesn't go up i think it has a bad cell need to replace it :) and hope i can get that shield i need one bad
Yeah I used to love changing boot logo with winpwn then logome but that has not worked since 2.0 I think. And now pawnage tool does that. What tool do you use?
Now that the Flash is available for iPad we thought we give you the details for installing Flash, or Frash on your iPad

Make sure your iPad is jailbroken. It's pretty easy -- just run Spirit and you're done.
Download Frash.deb and keep it nearby.
Decide how you're going to get files onto your iPad. For Mac users, it's dead simple, install Netatalk. Either way, the login is "root" and password is "alpine." You can seriously screw things up while you're in there, so be careful!
Once you've got access to the iPad's filesystem, navigate to /var/root/Media as shown here:

Once there, open Media and create a folder called "Cydia."
Open the new Cydia folder and create another new folder called "AutoInstall"
Upload Frash to your new folder.
Restart your iPad a couple times.
You're set! Now just navigate to a page in Safari with non-video Flash content and hit the F logo to play it. Again, no video for now, but games and other simple content works. We did have a few crashes here and there, but it's early code, and things are bound to get better.

The below video was all recorded with an iphone 4 and is unedited

Download link: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
If you've never been involved in a lawsuit, that's about to change - sort of, at least for those who have ever purchased an iPhone through AT&T, the Apple smartphone exclusive carrier in the United States. A lawsuit filed in 2007 (drum-roll please) has now been granted "class action status." In other words, this legal battle now involves anyone who has ever purchased an iPhone in the US since the device's 2007 release.

The nature of the lawsuit is rooted in AT&T's exclusive agreement to carry the iPhone. The litigation contends that both companies (AT&T and Apple) formed a secret "monopoly" depriving millions of fair and competitive practices in the marketplace through lengthy contracts and refusals to unlock phones. Due to that apparently compelling argument, Judge James Ware of the U.S. District Court in Norther California is certifying the suit's class-action status. Yes, we're all in this boat together.

"The court has allowed (multiple) plaintiffs to represent 20 million customers who have been forced to use AT&T for iPhone voice and data service despite an agreement that allows them to terminate at any time and presumably switch carriers" Wired quotes Mark Rifkin, attorney for the plaintiffs.
I guess we can just call him "our attorney" from now on.

So if the suit is successful does this mean we all get a boatload of cash or at least a free bumper to mitigate the death grip on our new iPhone 4? Not so fast. Proving that Apple and AT&T formed a monopoly by attaching exclusive components to a product's release could be a monumentally difficult thing to do, say some legal experts, given the increasing nature of exclusive partnerships and offerings in the mobile space. Plenty of analysts also believe that this suit could drag on for so long that the iPhone will be available on other carriers before an outcome has even been reached.

For now, neither Apple or AT&T is publicly commenting on the new class-action status of the lawsuit.
so the us should maake laws against this, allow any carrier to have the iphone just like in the uk they are on most if not all carriers here now, where as before it was o2 only. though saying that i am with o2 even with all the choice lol just for the summer
Read the full story here. In my opinion this is a pretty silly lawsuit....

From the looks of things, the iPhone 4 jailbreak and unlock is stable and working on the iPhone 4. It is still suspected that the dev team are waiting for Apple to release 4.0.1 before making their jailbreak public. We chatted with Wang this morning about the unlock, and he mentioned Apple's definitely catting this mouse (or is it the other way around?):