iPhone 6 Plus gone berserk!!

iPhone 6 Plus gone berserk!!

If you're unhappy with something in life, fix the situation.

I am going to sell my 6 Plus before it rains on me, if I can, and a class action lawsuit which obliges Apple to either explain why suddenly their first most flexible phone has touchscreen chips with no underwebbing or else institute a recall will accomplish a lot more than whining.

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I am going to sell my 6 Plus before it rains on me, if I can, and a class action lawsuit which obliges Apple to either explain why suddenly their first most flexible phone has touchscreen chips with no underwebbing or else institute a recall will accomplish a lot more than whining.

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I'll tell you what it will accomplish, best case scenario, if a judgment went against Apple. Consumers would receive a voucher for the cost of repairs, good only for the phone they had a receipt for from an authorized dealer.

They would get their phone repaired and then they would receive a bill in the post, payable in cash to the lawyer for around 1/3 of their settlement.

If they didn't have the phone or a valid receipt they would still be responsible for the lawyer's bill. Still, it would teach them not to sit on their phone and try to blame someone else.
I wouldn't like to go up against any lawyer working for Apple.
Get a screen replacement. That's all what you need, I'm a living proved cos it happened to me months ago.
I go to google now, yes
Oh wow, that looks very, very painful feel sorry for the people that have it.
Seems it can be transferred buy so simple things, using other people's knives and forks for example.
You might say l would never do that, unless they are clean, oh no ! In a restaurant, having a meal you say to you date, partner. Try this it's really nice offering them a little on your fork. It's that easy.
The virus can be in your blood stream until something wakes it up.

Gregory lsaacs r.i.p.
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The virus can be in your blood stream until something wakes it up.

Gregory lsaacs r.i.p.

It's incurable and sometimes is not detectable until the sufferer opens his mouth, like stupidity.

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