iPhone 6 Plus gone berserk!!

iPhone 6 Plus gone berserk!!

Thanks for the info. I'm glad to see the cause is an open secret now. The question she asked, why the rigid reinforcement of the Touch ID chips was discontinued at IPhone 5C, she rolled her eyes, "we don't know."

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Which planet did you say you're from?

Nobody is going to establish that the flaw, if it even exists, was deliberate under any liability law. And the notion some lawsuit against the largest corporation in the land will bankrupt it is a cartoon. Apple has maybe $250B in cash lying about to defend against your lawsuit. You ready to match that? Also, the truth, as in everything we know, even the empirical, depends on what the various media and its owners tell us it is. You must place your notion of why your phone don't work against a counter claim from Apple. So save some from your lawsuit for a major PR offensive.

Good luck.

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We have a rule about showing respect towards our other members. You have a right to your own opinion but have no right to criticize others for having their own opinion.
Went to the Apple store today. Met with a 'genius'...some have already stated what typically happens but I guess it's good to reiterate what is going on as of today. If you are out of warranty you basically have two options:

- You can buy a 'replacement' 6+ at a discounted price - $355 out the door BUT with a major caveat of a 90 day warranty and NOT a typical full warranty. The store rep said the phone is treated as a 'replacement' phone/part therefore even though its fresh out the box new they only will give you a 90 day warranty UNLESS you decide to purchase an additional Applecare warranty :mad:

- Second option, the store reps are MORE then happy to discuss potential monthly payment options on a new iphone 7 that you won't see probably for a month.

I don't know if anyone knows of an actual hardware fix? I've done all the software resets/back ups/etc. I can think of. The worse part is the phone actually works perfectly a fair amount of the time but when it goes AWOL it's a pretty paperweight.

Considering buying the 'replacement' phone to sell on ebay lol.

Thanks again to everyone who has replied with advice, information, etc. much appreciated.
I've seen several videos on YouTube showing experienced repair techs doing board level repairs. It's a very difficult procedure and not one that can be done without the tools, replacement Touch IC chip, and proper experience and training. It's not something that the user can do for himself.
I don't know if anyone knows of an actual hardware fix? I've done all the software resets/back ups/etc. I can think of. The worse part is the phone actually works perfectly a fair amount of the time but when it goes AWOL it's a pretty paperweight.

Considering buying the 'replacement' phone to sell on ebay lol.


The video accompanying the article linked up above tells us Ifixit handles these problems routinely. That's where I'll go if my device blinks out again.

On the class action brewing, two factors I see: (1) it hasn't been certified yet, to my knowledge, and (2) when it is, it may be limited to just the common symptoms: gray bar at top of screen which is otherwise dead.

The prices on eBay for the 6 Plus were tremendous until the 7 dropped. Went from $524 trending to a hundred dollars under that. So you could buy the replacement and make spare change, or lose something if time and postage are figured in. (There is also the report that the replacement items provided by Apple are not new but refurbished, and I wonder if there's some way to tell if that's true of the one I'm holding.)

Me, I'm sitting with a two-year old phone for which I've invested close to $1,200 thus far. On the plus side, the 7 has the greatest engine in handhelds, by all accounts, and the pixels in the display belie actual thread count to make as pretty a picture as you will see, we're told.

And, Android.

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The plot thickens. From Extreme Tech:

"The problem is related to the iPhone 6’s flexibility and a decision Apple made to remove the underfill from between the touch ICs, which control the touchscreen’s function, and the grid of solder joints that connect these chips to their motherboard. Typically underfill is used to strengthen the connection between the chips and the board, and to ensure that the solder won’t crack. Combine a more flexible device with the lack of underfill, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus are not currently believed to suffer from this problem."

I have one of those bombs from July 21. That means the warranty is good to October 21, if I understood. If it doesn't last, they may issue another refurbished time bomb.

I don't respect Apple like I once did. Here's the article.

Apple is aware of iPhone 6 ‘touch disease,’ but refuses to discuss it - extremetech.com

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I'm no lawyer, but I'd venture to suggest that if a problem doesn't show up until after the warranty period has elapsed AND the model has been superseded by a new model that addresses the issue, the manufacturer can hardly be guilty of "knowingly supplying defective hardware", especially when rough handling is involved in getting the problem to show up.

I think this points to a smart lawyer (read crook) figuring out that Apple are sitting on a pile of dollars that he would prefer to have in his pocket.
If you're unhappy with something in life, fix the situation. That advice applies to everything.. including electronic devices. Fixing the situation solves the problem and avoids stress, complaining does neither. Of course, the people who enjoy complaining often devote so much time toward making waves that they have no resources left to implement a resolution.

If you're going to cause your own storms, don't get upset when it rains.
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The lawyer behind this class action lawsuit in Canada is what used to be called an ambulance chaser. His firm is always on the lookout for this type of legal action.
Maybe he should start a class action lawsuit for people who drilled holes in their 7 looking for the hidden headphone socket.

He could cite Apple's failure to provide a warning label "Do not drill holes in this phone."
Maybe he should start a class action lawsuit for people who drilled holes in their 7 looking for the hidden headphone socket.

He could cite Apple's failure to provide a warning label "Do not drill holes in this phone."
How about a class action lawsuit against ambulance chasing lawyers?;)
Maybe he should start a class action lawsuit for people who drilled holes in their 7 looking for the hidden headphone socket.

He could cite Apple's failure to provide a warning label "Do not drill holes in this phone."
He'd probably sue the manufacturer of the drill.