iOS 4.1 Will be Jailbroken Sooner or Later

iOS 4.1 Will be Jailbroken Sooner or Later


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Redmond Pie has an update today on a possible jailbreak for iOS 4.1, which Gizmodo reports is due out this Wednesday, September 8th for iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G, iPad and iPod touch (iOS 4.1, that is, not the new jailbreak!). Redmond Pie says that Comex will be "on it" as soon as possible once iOS 4.1 is released. Redmond Pie quotes iPhone Dev-Team member MuscleNerd as confirming via his Twitter that Comex will first be attempting the userland jailbreak route via what he refers to as "trifecta". If that proves fruitless, they will then release a new jailbreak that uses bootrom exploit. Redmond Pie says that this could take longer to release than the userland jailbreak.

Basically what this means for those interested in a jailbreak for iOS 4.1 is that they should just sit tight, and depending on what method is used, they may need to be more or less patient! Redmond Pie also reminds those with a jailbreak or carrier unlock on their iOS device to hold off updating with iOS 4.1 on Wednesday.

Source: Redmond Pie
yeah it wont be long. tomorrow is release date and then probably same day jailbreak i bet or maybe a few days at most
yeah, haha when i get home from work, im going straight to my computer and looking for it =P
same here omg its going to be a glorious day tomorrow ( IF the jailbreak is released at the same time ). the main reason why i got the iphone 4, to jailbreak muahha >:] ok i needa calm down im like a litto kid on christmas.