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Apple Accidentally Reveals iOS 4.1 Release Date


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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Apple's UK website has appeared to let the cat prematurely out of the Apple secrecy bag according to Gizmodo, where an eagle-eyed someone spotted earlier that the iOS 4.1 Software Update info page on the official Apple UK site was emblazoned with the unequivocal: "Download the iOS 4.1 Software Update. Available on 8 September". The US site, however, merely displayed the coy tease of "Download the iOS 4.1 Software Update. Coming soon", which would indicate that someone on the UK site had gone a little early with the date. Funnily enough, since Gizmodo broke the story, the UK site has now reverted to displaying "Coming soon" as the release date! Either it was some gigantic typo or a UK Apple person accidentally fell on their keyboard and entered the wrong date, or iOS 4.1 really is coming out on Wednesday September 8th.

iOS 4.1 will add HDR photo capture, HD Video Uploads, Game Center support and fixes for the iPhone 3G performance issues, among other things.

Source: Gizmodo
gizmodo suck why dont they shhh for once.. its 4.1 steve jobs told us this week.
4.1 is running great!!! Seems alot less buggy and the new picture feature is really awsome!!
@dannyboy i totally agree, i just wish there were games that used gamecenter!
i already like it a lot, even though no games use it yet, hopefully that changes tomorrow!

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