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How to remove recently sent-to email addresses


Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
When emails are sent to addresses not in your contacts they are added to a list of contacts which are available next time an email is sent and you begin typing in the name. Does anyone know how to clear this list or delete a single address?
Delete an Email Address from Auto-Complete in Mail

To remove an email address from the auto-complete list in Mail

Start typing the recipient's address or name in a new message.
Select the desired address from the auto-complete list as if you'd compose an email to them.
Click the small down arrow in the recipient.
Select Remove from Previous Recipients List from the menu.

Hopie it helps
I don't believe this works on the iPhone. When typing in a recipients name in a new message a down arrow does not appear.
I found this on another forum. Not too effective if you aren't jailbroken:

You're iPhone will have to be jailbroken so you can ssh into:

You then copy out AddressBook.sqlitedb
It would be best to create a backup of this just in case something goes wrong.

Then what you'll need to do is open the file with a SQLite Database manager, I for example downloaded Visual SQLite (for free) off of download.com.

Then after installing and opening the file (AddressBook.sqlitedb) you can go ahead and delete the contact you wish to remove by:
Under Table selecting: ABRecent
Selecting the Table Data tab
And then scrolling down, finding the person, and....delete

So then you save the file, ssh it back to the same folder in your iPhone, replacing the existing one.
I don't believe this works on the iPhone. When typing in a recipients name in a new message a down arrow does not appear.

Sorry about that I have a database with support answers. I clicked on Mac os mail in error I do not have a solution for iPhone/ iPad
Maybe next major software update will offer it