Gevey Ultra rendered my iPhone basically useless!!!

Gevey Ultra rendered my iPhone basically useless!!!


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Sep 28, 2011
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Dear forum,

Hi, I'm new, but I hope it's not a great problem if I don't first post in the "thread for new members" but cut directly to the chase (of course after having tried the search-function!)! It's just that I'm mega-frustrated at the moment....

My problem is this:

After having waited for two months for my applenberry-bought Gevey Ultra (shipping to Mexico with USPS is a nightmare - but that's another story, or rather storIES...), the day before yesterday I finally received it. Of course I could hardly wait to try it!

Afraid of doing something wrong, I was definitely going to stick strictly to the instructions on the applenberry-website, so what I did was first try the described "manual" setup:

- Powered off the phone.
- Inserted SIM (cut with SIM-cutter, not scissors or a knife or anything) with Gevey tray.
- Turned on the phone.
- Waited for the welcome screen, but even after 10 minutes, nothing appeared!
- Decided to follow through with the other steps anyway, so I went to Settings – Phone – SIM Applications – Instructions.
- A completely black screen with grey “Accept” and “Cancel”-buttons appeared (instead of a screen with text and green / red buttons as in the instructions).
- Clicked “Accept” and waited 15 seconds.
- Made the 112-call and hung up immediately.
- Turned on the Airplane mode and waited 40 seconds.
- When notification “No SIM card installed” appeared turned off Airplane mode.
- When notification “SIM Failure” appeared clicked “OK”.

And sure enough, after a moment my carrier’s name appeared. But as I didn’t want to have to repeat the process again every time when the phone reboots, I decided to do the “automatic setup” (again from the Applenberry-website):

- Opened Cydia and installed the FuriousMod-package.
- Restarted the Springboard.
- Powered off the phone.
- Inserted SIM with Gevey tray.
- Turned on the phone.

But now, instead of going to the phone’s menu, I got a black screen with the symbols of iTunes and the USB-cable, apparently telling me to connect to iTunes! No way to accept, cancel or anything else! But when I connected the phone to iTunes (newest version -, it told me it could not read the phone’s contents?!?!

After switching on and off a couple of times with the same result and having about 3500 panic attacks, I managed to do a “hard reset” by pressing the “Home” and “On/Off”-buttons simultaneously and holding until the phone powered off. Upon switching on again, I got to the phone’s menu (no “connect-to-iTunes”-screen this time), but had no carrier-signal. I went again through the “manual”-setup and managed to get a signal again.

Now, with this I could live, but what’s unacceptable is that now about 80 % of my apps will not work anymore!!!At first I thought it was a “provider-block” because I checked such apps as Skype, Viber and WhatsApp, but then I discovered that this cannot be the case, because also apps like Facebook and even non-internet-related apps like the simple flashlight-app are non-functional now! Even if I switch off the carrier’s 3G-network and connect per wireless to my home network (something that shouldn't have anything to do with the SIM), these apps will not work!

As a last resort, I took out the Gevey Ultra and inserted my old (not active anymore but original micro-) SIM into the phone without the Gevey Ultra and rebooted. But even with this I cannot use the apps now! These problems are 100% the result of the Gevey Ultra!!!!!

The Gevey Ultra has basically rendered my iPhone useless (except for the pure telephone...)!!!!!

I sent a message to Applenberry, but am still waiting for their reply.

Has anybody ever heard of anything like this and / or have an idea, what the problem could be, or even more, how to solve it?

Thanks so much in advance!

Best regards,

P.S.: Oh, by the way, this is my phone data:
iPhone 4
iOS: 4.3.1
Baseband: 04.10.1
Jailbreak: Yes
I was going to reset the phone via iTunes, but it told me it can't read the phone's contents! Well, I can try again.

Although, I am seeing a small light at the end of the tunnel with the apps. Yesterday evening, just for the fun of it, I deleted and re-installed Facebook and voila, it started again! I'll try with the other non-working apps as soon as I get home today.

As for the 112: You only do not have to dial 112 if you get FuriousMod to work, which in my case it doesn't (even after de- and re-installing it a couple of times), so I'm stuck with the "manual" setup. Not what I bought the Ultra for (for manual setup the Pro would have been sufficient), but at least I can get it to work...
Ok, closing note:

I re-installed all my apps and now they work again. FuriousMod still doesn't, though. Every time my phone reboots I have to go through the 112-process again. But I can live with that.

Another thing I noticed though with the Gevey Ultra is the incredibly fast battery discharge! I charged the phone to 100%, then went to bed. When I checked again the next morning, about 8 hours later, charge was down to 70%, without having done anything!!! :-(
almira said:
Ok, closing note:

I re-installed all my apps and now they work again. FuriousMod still doesn't, though. Every time my phone reboots I have to go through the 112-process again. But I can live with that.

Another thing I noticed though with the Gevey Ultra is the incredibly fast battery discharge! I charged the phone to 100%, then went to bed. When I checked again the next morning, about 8 hours later, charge was down to 70%, without having done anything!!! :-(

Are you closing out all apps, screen brightness, location, wifi and bluetooth off.
I've used Gevey on several of my friends phones and battery has never been an issue. First do what iCrank said and ensure you don't have any backgrounded apps running, if you don't, do a fresh restore and jailbreak. If it still drains too fast after that my guess would be that you have a bad battery.
I have to say, the Gevey Ultra is becoming less and less reliable as time goes on. Used to be that this worked every time with earlier model iPhones, but as the iOS gets more complicated people are having less and less success making it work. Just recently, I bought the latest Gevey Ultra (from and tried it on my iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5. Couldn't even get it to work. The iPhone detected that I was using another SIM and gave me a "Please connect to iTunes screen" that you cannot get past. After messing with it for a couple hours, finally tossed the Gevey in the garbage and bought an unlocked iPhone. More expensive ... yeah ... less headaches ... definitely!
Just a heads up, I updated my friends iPhone4 to iOS5 this morning preserving baseband with the new redsn0w and his Gevey ULTRA unlock worked flawlessly on the first try.
Just a heads up, I updated my friends iPhone4 to iOS5 this morning preserving baseband with the new redsn0w and his Gevey ULTRA unlock worked flawlessly on the first try.

To do this update what tool do you uses?

Because i use gevey too with no problems with 4.2.1 but when i try to update to 4.3.3 with JB i have this problem: see my post here post #166

so i thinking if updating to IOS 5 with baseband preservation is an option to fix ALL my problems.

I used redsn0w 0.9.9b5 to create a custom firmware and upgraded to iOS5 staying on his 4.10.01 baseband and then unlocked with Gevey Ultra SIM just like normal.
I used redsn0w 0.9.9b5 to create a custom firmware and upgraded to iOS5 staying on his 4.10.01 baseband and then unlocked with Gevey Ultra SIM just like normal.


I don't have a MAC. Can you give me some trusted source to have a custom firmware without JB of IOS5? Do you believe that upgrading to IOS5 can solve my problem?

Very thanks,
No, firstly you should NEVER be editing your hosts file manually, it will only cause headaches for you down the road. Secondly, you are upgrading to the most current iOS(which means Apple is signing it) so no, there is no reason to bypass Apple's verification servers.
I dont know if it will solve your problem. If you don't have a mac you can use 0.9.9b6 or sn0wbreeze

windows version of Redsnow 0.9.9b6 don't generate cfw and snowbreeze only does with jailbreak. i want to create the CFW without jailbreak, only preserving bb. Some idea to give this without a mac? some trusted link?

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