help unlock iPhone 4s with gevey Ultra S

help unlock iPhone 4s with gevey Ultra S

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Hola compañero a mi me pasa exactamente lo mismo que a ti. Mi 4s es de Orange y quiero usarlo con vodafone.
He hecho lo mismo que tu y me sucede lo mismo al final se reinicia el 4s y pide que se me active
Ayer probé a meter la tarjeta de vodafone sin la gevey en el 4s de Orange y se reinicio y se puso en modo de activación con lo que me dio que pensar que el problema podría ser la tarjeta de vodafone tengo que probar con otra

¿Has probado ya con la otra?¿te ha funcionado?
how would you get it factory unlocked? or do yu just mean get a factory unlocked iphone?

He means get a factory unlocked phone. There's no way to get a locked phone "factory unlocked." Factory unlocked phones are unlocked at the factory where they are manufactured, that's why they are called factory unlocked.
He means get a factory unlocked phone. There's no way to get a locked phone "factory unlocked." Factory unlocked phones are unlocked at the factory where they are manufactured, that's why they are called factory unlocked.

yes i know that is why i asked the question.
Le pasa lo mismo con la otra tarjeta vodafone se reincia el teléfono ya sea con gevey o sin gevey tu has conseguido algún progreso? Yo me estoy quedando sin ideas
I know this don't help but I have the R-sim and it works great for me. Hope this helps. If not ask this guy this is all he uses.
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Hello, anyone has a solution to this problem? I have the same problem of speaking, I am of my company is Telcel Mexico. and yesterday I came the Ultra S i was around 3 hours and my iphone 4s grab the signal from my operator. use it for approximately 8 hours without problems, but I wanted to do tests to see if everything worked properly, remove the SIM and put it came back and entered signal perfectly, after reboot my iphone but I do not grab the signal, and until now I've trying more than 6 hours and is nearly impossible to have it take the signal, send an email to GEVEY but apparently not the answer, if someone has the solution please help us

Greetings from Mexico

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hola, alguien tiene una solucion a este problema? yo tengo el mismo problema del que hablan, soy de Mexico mi compañia es Telcel. y ayer me llego el Ultra S estube al rededor de 3 horas y mi iphone 4s agarro la señal de mi operador. lo use por un aproximado de 8 horas sin problemas, pero quise hacerle pruebas para ver si todo funcionaba correctamente, quite el SIM y volvi a ponerlo y entro en señal perfectamente, despues reinicie mi iphone pero ya no agarro la señal, y hasta ahorita llevo intentando mas de 6 horas y es casi imposible volver a hacer que tome la señal, envie un correo a GEVEY pero al parecer no los responden, si alguien tiene la solucion porfavor nos ayude

saludos desde Mexico
Hello guys, I've had the same problem, no matter the method you use, it always brings you back to the activation screen. I called applenberry and they said that this happens with some "International" phones so they asked me to post it back and I should get a refund (I'm still waiting for it). I would like to try now R-SIM III which claims to unlock any carrier as well.... But before I would like to know if someone of you have successfully unlocked it with R-SIM III?? I'm talking about the iPhone 4S 5.1 Baseband 2.0.10 and locked to Movistar (SPAIN).

Thanks for your help!
Hi, I just bought an Gevey Ultra S from applenberry to unlock my iphone. It's original carrier is Movistar - Spain. I carefully follow Gevey instructions.
At the end of the process, just after the window "your iphone is successfully unlocked by Gevey Ultra S" appears, the "activation" window of the iphone prompts up, always. The process stops there and I can not go any further. The unlocking doesn't work. I tried once and again, always with the same result. Can anybody provide me any help with experiences or advise?
Please, I need it urgently. Tx very much

when my iphone4s was locked I got it unlocked by the remote unlocking service of ***** I shared them with the network to which my mobile was locked and they helped me in unlocking with the instructions.... so if your not able to unlock your mobile you can also try with them... gud luck..
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