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Finally upgraded to the iphone 4 (Pics Inside)


New Member
Jul 26, 2010
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This is my ex girlfriend her name is 3gs, she fell out of my car when i was driving high :)

Are you sure you didn't push her? lol :)
good riddance you found a younger model;)
yeah she was getting to old and fat, but now i have a sexy slimmer beauty :) although she has some flaws like her signal, shes still a beauty:]
i hope you didn't do it on purpose lol you could have sold it on ebay for at least 300.

actually you still can, if you get a new screen and stuff.
people would still pay some for it even with a cracked screen for parts
Congrats man :)

Why is the screen so broken?
was sososososossoso high and i just threw it out of my car, then when i got sober, i went back for it and it still worked
nice, what drug did you take that made you want to throw it out the window?lol i cant imagine taking any drug that would make me want to do that
nice, what drug did you take that made you want to throw it out the window?lol i cant imagine taking any drug that would make me want to do that
ganja. well i thrw it cos i knew i was upgrading anyways
nice, what drug did you take that made you want to throw it out the window?lol i cant imagine taking any drug that would make me want to do that
ganja. well i thrw it cos i knew i was upgrading anyways

weed isent a drug. at lest i dont consider it to be. how many ppl die from weed and how many ppl die form alcohol and smokes.. anw this is not a drug forum..

but i probably would of done the same even soba. just smash it and make a video for youtube lol micro wave it.. or just hand it down to brother

so what now you gonna just put it in the bin or try fix it? or trash it even more?
nice, what drug did you take that made you want to throw it out the window?lol i cant imagine taking any drug that would make me want to do that
ganja. well i thrw it cos i knew i was upgrading anyways

weed isent a drug. at lest i dont consider it to be. how many ppl die from weed and how many ppl die form alcohol and smokes.. anw this is not a drug forum..

but i probably would of done the same even soba. just smash it and make a video for youtube lol micro wave it.. or just hand it down to brother

so what now you gonna just put it in the bin or try fix it? or trash it even more?
im gonna drill holes into it and try to make it into a pipe lmfao