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Dialing with single number


New Member
May 25, 2013
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Can you set single numbers for contacts lik 1 for daughter and 2 for husband , if so how, I have a new iPhone 5 and had an android. Phone before . Thanks
No, I'm afraid not in the manner you remember or have used before. There are apps that enable you to put "quick dial" icons on the phone homescreen and, if you are jail broken, there are several tweaks in Cydia (the jail breaker's "AppStore") that allow you to quickly call a number.

But, there is nothing native on the phone or in iOS to allow you to create a one-number quick dial. Sorry.

Second thing I find I do not like about iPhone, thank for the answer
You can tell Siri to call home, or husband, or child or a particular name if you want. She is quite good at that. I used to use the number thing before I got an iphone.. Don't really even miss it so maybe you will also find this works for you.