

  1. J

    Third-party app websites.

    I am on a goose chase. Don’t have too much to go on just clues and such from others. It’s an app, third party. Comes in in an install that downloads multiple files and use them to create an app. It could be found on on of the stores too but websites would be better apparently. Don’t have the...
  2. A

    Jailbreak and freelancers

    hi! Too many month follow some freelancers who develop tweaks for jailbreak ios. I try freelancer, reddit, upwork, guru and other but didnt found anyone. Perhaps someone know good developer
  3. F

    Use iPhone in Italy for Trip

    My wife and I are going to Italy this fall. We would like to find out about using a couple of older iPhones and buying Italian sim cards for them. Has anybody got any experience in using iPhones when travelling and purchasing local sim cards? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated...
  4. Maura

    Alibaba Team Say They Have Jailbroken iOS 11.2.1 on iPhone X

    AppleInsider reports that the security research team at Alibaba’s Pandora Labs has just revealed via a blog post that it has jailbroken iOS 11.2.1, the most recent iOS update that was just released to the public last Wednesday, on iPhone X. This clearly shows that iOS 11.2.1 has vulnerabilities...
  5. C

    How to do Jailbreak (untethered) iOS 11.2 ?

    Hello, who know how jailbreak the last versions of apple please ? Without spending time on the intermediates who pays, or services like apps downloading "for free" that don't function (said after several tries)... My first goal was to downgrade under iOS11... o_O PS : I research a real...
  6. Chaos Condensate

    Cydia Based handheld gaming console? (jailbroken iPhone 4s)

    Very recently jailbroke my old iPhone 4s after upgrading to a hand-me-down 5s, and I'm planning to do the same with an old 2nd gen iPod i dug up from the depths of who knows where. The original intent for doing the jailbreak was to turn the phone into a quasi gaming handheld since I don't have...
  7. S

    stuck with jailbreaking a 3g (w/ redsnow)

    I'll preface this by saying that I've never done this before, and I have no clue about the lingo. I got a tattered 3g to play with if I can fix the disabled issue. That I definitely fixed, but then the next problem was that it is carrier locked (i have no idea which carrier, but it's not mine)...
  8. 1800Warioman

    Is iPhone 5s 10.2.1 Jailbreak possible?

    Hi, I don't really know about any kind of jail breaking/iPhone hacking stuff so I though I'd come here to get a nice, simple believable answer, so, onto my question. I have an iPhone 5s running iOS 10.2.1 and I would like to know if there is a way to jailbreak it. Thank you
  9. D

    NEED adaptor. Please

    I am in search for an adaptor that has a female lightning and a female USB. Doesn't have to be a long cable. I have found one online but it is no longer available. Let me know if you know where to get such thing. Thank you.
  10. B

    Cydia infinitely loads when downloading packages/tweaks

    I have been using Cydia for about a week now, when I first used it all was well. After about 2 days, when installing anything on Cydia it just says running Debian packager but then infinitely loads which means I have to do a hard reset. Is there any way of fixing this? Also even in safe mode...
  11. S

    HELP! PP App not working

    Hello reader, So I've had the Pangu 9.2-9.3.3 jailbreak for almost a year now with no problems after restarts or after my phone dies until now. Last night my phone died and after I charged it and turned it back on, I tried to open the PP app to rejailbreak my phone as usual. Well, the app...
  12. I

    Untethered jailbreak for iOS 10.2 available?

    Hello, I know that yalu jailbreak for iOS 10.2 has been there for last few weeks. I searched in google for tutorials but have some confusion. Some says it is tethered jailbreak mean I will have to re-jailbreak after a week while other say it is untethered one. For example: EDITED EDITED...
  13. jimt29

    iPhone 5 Becoming Unreliable

    I have had a jail broken iPhone for as long as I have had iPhones (iPhone 3). I was just about ready to get a new one because the iPhone 5 had been acting odd. From rebooting itself to the WIFI not working unless I restarted it. Then it was iffy at best. So instead of just buying a new phone...
  14. H

    Recover old snapchat messages

    Help recover old snapchats on private messages that you haven't saved? Is there a safe way to do this? I have iPhone 6 ios 9.2 PLEASE HELP THIS IS SO SERIOUS. I know snapchats are never really deleted and are saved somewhere on your phone. How do you view them again?!
  15. N

    Jailbreak iphone 6s

    hello, is there any program whith which I can jailbreak my iphone 6s and if yes, which is the program and should I do it every time with the software update? Thsnks!
  16. jimt29

    iPad Air - Latest Update Of Springtomize Lost Some Of It's Functionality

    This seems the best forum to discus a jailbreak app issue but this is for an iPad Air. The most recent update of Springtomize broke its functionality on my iPad Air using IOS 8.4. I didn't update to 9.XX because Springtomize wasn't available for that version of IOS and when Springtomize became...
  17. P

    Needed: iPhone autohotkey alternative

    I couldn't find a perfect thread category to put this in so I'm dropping it here. I am in need of an app or cydia tweak to simulate something like autohotkey on an iPhone. I suspect I may have to jailbreak to do this - that's fine with me. Specifically, what I need is something which will run in...
  18. sueeKay


    Hey iPhone users. Here's the go. I am currently still on iOS 7.1 and tethered jailbreak with pangu. I want to upgrade to the latest iOS. How do I do it all over again. I'm so delayed and I need a change. Any advice? Please recommend me with the best of the best
  19. L

    Iphone 5s Stuck in a Boot loop Pangu 9

    Hi , Ive jailbroken my iphone on the day the pangu 9 jailbreak came out , today i was running out of space on my device and decided to factory reset it the phone restared as normal and the loading bar with the apple logo came up but got stuck on about 95-99% after 30min of waiting i knew it...
  20. S

    iphone transfer contacts and apps

    hello i have an iphone 5 that is jailbroken on ios 6.1.2 and i am now purchasing the iphone 6s. how can i transfer all my files from one phone to the other, more importantly my contacts?