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Why is my battery draining so fast?


New Member
Sep 25, 2010
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In the past, before I went to bed, I would turn on Airplane Mode and when I wake up, it would be at the same battery percentage.

Nos I'm losing up to 5% overnight.

Why is this happening?
5% sounds pretty good to me.... If your putting it in airplane mode you won't get any notifications so why not turn it off?
5% sounds pretty good to me.... If your putting it in airplane mode you won't get any notifications so why not turn it off?

Is that what airplane mode is it won't vibe or do Nething when u get notifications? I've always wondered lol
5% sounds pretty good to me.... If your putting it in airplane mode you won't get any notifications so why not turn it off?

Is that what airplane mode is it won't vibe or do Nething when u get notifications? I've always wondered lol

Airplane mode turns off all the antennas GPS,wifi,cellular..... So you can't get notifications. The purpose is to minimize interference with sensitive systems on airplanes.
I could never understand the point of the Airplane mode. When you are traveling, don't they request that you turn your phone off during the flight. I can't see any flight attendant checking each phone which has been turned on, to see if airplane node is on or off.
I could never understand the point of the Airplane mode. When you are traveling, don't they request that you turn your phone off during the flight. I can't see any flight attendant checking each phone which has been turned on, to see if airplane node is on or off.

On takeoff they tell you to turn it completely off. Then once your cruising you supposed to be in airplane mode.... But yea.. Kinda hard to enforce.