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When will temporary charge be complete ugh. (iphone4)


New Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Ordered Tuesday morning through AT&T. Still shows pending/temp hold on my credit card. The funds are out but I'm worried they will cancel the temp hold. I read after 10 days. When will it be upgraded to shipped. Ugh. Hopefully in the morning the funds will be completely transferred. I don't want them to cancel my order.
Ordered Tuesday morning through AT&T. Still shows pending/temp hold on my credit card. The funds are out but I'm worried they will cancel the temp hold. I read after 10 days. When will it be upgraded to shipped. Ugh. Hopefully in the morning the funds will be completely transferred. I don't want them to cancel my order.

Same thing here....ordered 5am via AT&T and my status is "In progress" and I too am waiting for them to move the $$$ money from temp trans to completed. LOL Funny but only a purchase of an Apple product gets me to wishing they would take my money already, anyone else I never really pay attention.
That is a test to see if you have the money..........
Based on response they go stage 2 and ship then take all your hard earned funds that you allocated for the phone. Totally normal
guess its a matter of wait and see in the early hours of the morning so you have time to arrange things if the money is not taken and see whats going on
dont worry you will get it sooner or later, just dont thinka bout it and before you knwo it ull have it ;p