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What would you like to see in iOS 16?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2022
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I would like to see more than cosmetic enhancements to the native apps. I’d like to see some templates in the Notes app to give users a glimpse of what’s possible with it. In addition, I’d like to see an option to allow the viewing of ads and to disallow the viewing of ads regardless of the installed app/game. What about you? What would you like to see in iOS 16?
It’s highly unlikely that the ability to block ads in apps and games will appear in iOS 16 or later.

Yeah, I know it’s wishful thinking, but it’s still something I’d like to see nonetheless. It’s amazing how governments and activist will “appear to do” everything for consumers except helping them to block ads.
Yeah, I know it’s wishful thinking, but it’s still something I’d like to see nonetheless. It’s amazing how governments and activist will “appear to do” everything for consumers except helping them to block ads.
The ads help to fund otherwise paid for Apps. Nothing is free in this world!
The ads help to fund otherwise paid for Apps. Nothing is free in this world!

I understand that. I really do. With that being said, I’m not advocating against the displaying of ads. I am, however, advocating for the option to not view them.
I understand that. I really do. With that being said, I’m not advocating against the displaying of ads. I am, however, advocating for the option to not view them.
You wouldn’t go into a shop and expect to have the option of whether to pay or not (unless it‘s a charity).
You wouldn’t go into a shop and expect to have the option of whether to pay or not (unless it‘s a charity).

Every time I install an app, I expect to not be inundated with ads. Police and firefighters have a dangerous job and when it is mentioned, some people are quick to say they can opt to do something else. Advertisers are quick to claim food is being taken from their mouths if people don’t view their ads. Well, like police and firefighters, advertisers can opt to do something else.

You cannot justify to me not giving consumers the option to view ads. Advertisers can have the mechanism to display ads all they want so what’s wrong with giving me the mechanism to not view them on my device if I choose?
Some app developers offer a paid option to get rid of the ads in their apps. Paying the fee to remove ads is the only way to not view ads in an app that has advertising.

That’s fine because it gives users a choice.