Volume Sounds Likes OS X On iPhone And iPod Touch MobileVolumeSound

Volume Sounds Likes OS X On iPhone And iPod Touch MobileVolumeSound


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7poVPBtN4To]YouTube - Volume Sounds Likes OS X On iPhone And iPod Touch MobileVolumeSound - iOS Vlog 185[/ame]​

People who own a Mac are probably very happy with its UI sounds, great look, and easy to use OS. Everything about a Mac just seems a bit fancy, and Zen-like. Why not bring over some of that aura to your mobile device with MobileVolumeSound. This free tweak in Cydia allows you to have volume sounds just like OS X. The little popping noise can be for you to hear even on the go. Personally, I think this sound be added to ever iOS device, such a cool thing to hear when you raise or lower volume.
i always disable sounds especially the chime on start up that i disable lol but on the iphone they would be good..