Upgrading to an iPhone 12 from an XR running iOS 14.6 PB1!

Upgrading to an iPhone 12 from an XR running iOS 14.6 PB1!


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Apr 5, 2017
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Hertfordshire, UK
Need a bit of advice here as I’ve decided at last to update my iPhone XR to an iPhone 12.

I know it’s usually a fairly simple job to use a Quick Start transfer from old to new, however I’ve been using the Public Beta’s on my iPhone XR and it’s sitting with iOS 14.6 Public Beta1 on it.

Now I’m pretty sure my new iPhone 12 will have iOS 14.5 installed, so it would mean going from a newer release to an older release, which I believe is probably a no-no!

Can anyone tell me if this is not going to work, and if not, is there another way to do it?
An update on this, I just found an article from around a year ago describing how to do exactly this only with iOS 13, so I would think it would be the same with iOS 14.

Apparently the trick is to upgrade the new phone to the same version of Public Beta that’s on the old phone, and then reset the settings and data, and then either perform a restore from the last old phone backup, or a quick start should also work.

When my new iPhone 12 arrives I’ll give it a go and report back with the hopefully good news.

Well, my new iPhone 12 arrived today, and I’ve just finished setting it up using the method I described in my previous post, and all went as planned.

I must say setting up a new phone using the ‘copy across’ wifi method was really simple if you follow all of the screen prompts.

The only thing to remember, which I must admit confused me at first, is that when copying the data and settings across, you will also copy across the old phones ‘name’, which if you don’t go straight in and change it can really confuse you. My new iPhone 12 kept asking if I wanted to pair my watch with my iPhone XR, which was when I realised it had the wrong name!!.

So now I’m just waiting for all of the apps to download which could take a while, and then to decide what to do with my old pristine iPhone XR.


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