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Stay Safe When Using Headphones With Awareness App


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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This app seems like a really great idea in terms of safety when using your headphones to listen to music on your iPhone. The app, called Awareness! The Headphone App, comes from a British developer called Essency, and is designed to enable you to listen to music on your iPhone or iPod touch with complete peace of mind, knowing that important sounds, such as warnings, shouts, sirens, alarms or conversations, will not be missed. The app enables you to listen to your music at whatever volume you like, but keeps you "world aware" by using the built-in microphone on the iPhone and iPod touch to alert you to external noise. The app "bleeds in" spatial awareness to music, with an auto-set microphone trigger level, and can be either fully auto or fully manual. There's also a vibrate-only warning function available.

The app has already been picked up as "new and noteworthy" on the US App Store, and road safety experts and cycling associations have given it their seal of approval. You can download it from the App Store here for the special limited time only price of $2.99/£1.79. Note that the app will not work on the iPhone 3G or iPod touch 2G.

Source: Essency