New Awareness App Aims To Give You Inner Peace

New Awareness App Aims To Give You Inner Peace


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Jun 18, 2010
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If you’re feeling a bit frazzled in the run up to Christmas, the ABC News website reports today on a brand new iPhone app that was released last week, called Awareness, that is designed to help people discover inner peace in the routine of their daily lives. The app is the brainchild of Ronit Herzfeld, a holistic therapist from New York City, who told ABC that the Awareness app is like having a “pocket therapist”, or “an angel sitting on your shoulder”.

The app reminds the user by chiming up to 25 gong tones a day to take a deep breath and assess their mental state. The app also asks you how you are feeling, and depending on your answer, plays up to 20 videos with instructions on how to get rid of the stress. It also has 400 inspirational quotes to keep you going! Don’t worry about the gong going off at inopportune moments, as you can always turn it off!

“It’s a next-generation application which is more interactive and brings it back to the self, rather than playing a game,” Herzfeld told ABC. “It’s something the app can do for you and it’s hitting a chord with people.”

If you like the sound of all that calmness, you can download the app for $3.99 by clicking here: AWARENESS for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

Source: Pocket Psychotherapist App Calms Nervous Souls - ABC News