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Sort names in Messages contacts list


New Member
Nov 15, 2014
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I am able to sort names in my contacts list in general, but when I go to contacts when I am messaging someone, the contacts are still sorted by Last names, rather than firsts.

Any way around this?

Thanks in advance!
In Settings - Mails, Contacts, Calendars - Contacts - Sort Order choose what you prefer (First, Last or Last, First).
In Settings - Mails, Contacts, Calendars - Contacts - Sort Order choose what you prefer (First, Last or Last, First).
Did this. I changed it to First, Last. It's only organizing my contacts list.

My contacts list as its presented when I go to messages, is still Last, First.

Is this a glitch?
In case you didn't do so already: force close the Messages app. Double tap the Home button to show the multitask bar, then slide the thumbnail above the Message app icon towards the top of the screen.

Look at the contacts there again afterwards. If you changed this setting and didn't close the app, it might still show the setting you had enabled before.