San Francisco Police Department Did Help Apple Search House for Missing iPhone 5 Prot

San Francisco Police Department Did Help Apple Search House for Missing iPhone 5 Prot


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Jun 18, 2010
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Well now this story is just getting more and more curious by the day! Following on from the news that broke a couple of days ago that a prototype iPhone 5 had been left in a bar in San Francisco, and the later story that emerged yesterday about Apple trying to recover the phone and allegedly sending its security team posing as members of the SFPD to an individual’s house, now today, we have even more revelations! According to a story in SF Weekly, as reported on by AppleInsider, after first denying that they were involved, the SFPD has now admitted that it did help Apple’s security operatives search a house where the prototype had been traced to. Apparently, plainclothes officers from the department were there with Apple, with SFPD spokesman Lt. Troy Dangerfield telling SF Weekly that “three or four” plainclothes officers visited the home in Bernal Heights along with Apple’s officials. Dangerfield also refuted the allegations of the homeowner that Apple’s security officials pretended to be police officers. And meanwhile, as all this kerfuffle goes on, an iPhone 5 prototype could well be on the loose!

AppleInsider | SFPD now says police officers did join in search for lost iPhone 5 prototype
You would of thought apple would tighten security after the first time and only CEO's touch the prototypes lol
I think its all a big joke, apple is now 2 for 2 with loseing the new design for the past 2 years

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