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Samsung at BestBuy


New Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Went by the Samsung area at Best Buy to look at the Note 4. Very nice phone . I told the 2 Samsung reps I was deciding between an Iphone 6 plus and the Note 4. They both said, " Didn't you hear? The 6 Plus's are all being recalled for bending. I told them I had never seen this info but they really were emphatic about it. Funny how these Samsung reps are spreading rumors. Maybe thay are scared of lost sales.
Went by the Samsung area at Best Buy to look at the Note 4. Very nice phone . I told the 2 Samsung reps I was deciding between an Iphone 6 plus and the Note 4. They both said, " Didn't you hear? The 6 Plus's are all being recalled for bending. I told them I had never seen this info but they really were emphatic about it. Funny how these Samsung reps are spreading rumors. Maybe thay are scared of lost sales.
Did you ask them about the galaxy 4s that are also bending? Are they recalling those? Honestly, the Note seems to be a nice unit, why lie to make a sale.
When I got my IP4 they tried to stear me to Samsung after pushing the IP3gs the year before, makes you wonder about their incentive program.
Well the Note looked nice but I wouldn't buy one after this episode. The 6 Plus will work fine for me.
It's true that there's reports of the iPhone 6 Plus, and the iPhone 6 as well, having issues with bending. Realistically though, if you put a BIG "aluminum frame" phone in your pocket... then sit on it... it's going to bend! The part that they're smudging is that Apple is recalling the iPhones because of it. It's not a manufacturing issue... it's simply a user issue!

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