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iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Pre-orders in South Korea Top 100,000


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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The good news for Apple just keeps on coming as far as the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is concerned, with MacRumors reporting today that pre-orders for the two phones have exceeded 100,000 in South Korea, the home of Apple’s rivals, Samsung.

According to the original story in The Wall Street Journal, of South Korea’s three biggest mobile carriers, KT Corp said that it had taken 10,000 orders for both phones in just one minute, and 50,000 orders in 30 minutes.

LG UPlus, which has the iPhone for the first time, received 20,000 orders in 20 minutes. SK Telecom did not issues specific figures, but did say that it had sold out of its first and second round of pre-order supply already.

Even better, a LG UPlus spokesperson said that pre-orders for Samsung’s Galaxy Note 4 last month were less than those of the two iPhones, which will be launching in South Korea and 22 more countries on October 31.

However, in the interest of fairness, MacRumors pointed out that Samsung had restricted pre-orders of the Galaxy Note 4 to just 30,000 units, so it’s hard to compare the sales numbers between that and both of Apple’s new iPhones.

Source: MacRumors