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Ringtones gone


New Member
Mar 24, 2012
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I sure hope someone can help me, I have spent the good part of the day trying to figure this out with no solution. I have an iPhone 5. I have purchased ringtones from iTunes numerous times with no problem. I synced my phone this morning and they are gone. They are not on my phone. All I see is the tones that came with the phone. In itunes ( on my windows computer) they show but have a circle in front of them. If I right click on the tone under file, it says, Kim's iPhone. I went to itunes store and purchased a ringtone to see what would happen. It showed up on my phone fine, but after I synced it with my computer it's no longer on my phone. So I had the ringtone for a total of ten minutes. I have sync all tones checked on iTunes. I tried deselecting the tones and syncing then check them again and syncing, didn't work. I have also tried to transfer from my phone to iTunes. I have 5 .45 GB open on my phone. I have the latest version of iTunes and software on my phone. I did read that iTunes will recharge you for ringtones, but I only had the one for 10 minutes! I'm thinking its a setting? For the life of me I can not figure this out and am hoping someone has had this problem.
Where exactly are the ringtones in iTunes Media?
If they are in a Ringtone folder, look for a Tone folder and put them there, then try syncing again.
Thanks for posting. There are 3 ringtones in the tones folder. They are in my library and are checked. I have "sync all tones" checked. They will not transfer to my iPhone. If I look under "on my device" it shows all the ringtones are there but cannot be checked and there is a circle before them. So they are on my phone but they aren't? Strange.
They still could be there.

I've been told that restoring from a backup, either iTunes or iCloud could bring them back (or make them visible again?).
I chatted with Apple and was told:

Apple is investigating this issue with Ringtones missing after the update to iOS 8.1.1, and it will be resolved in a timely manner. For right now, please do not repurchase them, as the issue should be resolved soon.

So...I will keep you updated in case someone else runs across this. My problem is, I guess, I shouldn't have synced to my computer. My husband didn't lose his, but he hasn't synced his phone lately.
Interesting. I synced my iPhone to iTunes, just a few minutes ago, in order not to lose the ringtones. When I purchased them, I immediately assigned them to one of my contacts, and they are still there, now, after syncing.

Your information about Apple working on the issue is very important, though.
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I think its weird too, I hope they weren't just saying that to appease me. What do you mean by saving them to your contacts? Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I don't think so. I did try a restore from the Cloud.
There are many complaints because of lost ringtones. I'm sure they're working on the problem.

When you purchase a ringtone, a popup asks you if you want to use it as default ringtone, or two or three other options.

I assigned the ones I purchased to three of my contacts. Then I synced my iPhone to iTunes to get the ringtones there. They are still assigned to the contacts, they are nowhere else on my device.
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I am having the same problem I downloaded a ringtone and when I look in my ringtones it's not there but the contact that I assigned the ringtone to its there but when I try to assign someone else the ringtone it's not there
There's not really much you can do at the moment. Make sure the ringtones are synced to iTunes.

Go to the receipt with the ringtone(s) and select "Report a problem" there, then inform Apple about what's happening. They are aware of this, and they are working to fix this.
Syncing mine to iTunes sometimes works and sometimes not but either way they manage to disappear. Even tho they show in iTunes and I begin syncing it looks like the sync worked but no ringtones on the phone. The only way I can get them back is to go into iTunes and press report issue. This triggers a response and I can redownload. After doing it this way 3 times I triggered a response from apple to contact me. They haven't yet.
I am having the same problem I downloaded a ringtone and when I look in my ringtones it's not there but the contact that I assigned the ringtone to its there but when I try to assign someone else the ringtone it's not there
ha ha! I got had the receipt to one of my ringtones and reported the problem, they gave me a chance to download it again, and it's not under downloads! I give up. I guess I'll check in a week or so. Sheesh this is frustrating.
I assigned the ones I purchased to three of my contacts. Then I synced my iPhone to iTunes to get the ringtones there. They are still assigned to the contacts, they are nowhere else on my device.[/QUOTE]

I had ringtones assigned to a few of my family and friends and they aren't there either. I have no idea why, like I said my husbands phone is ok. I'll wait it out I guess. Thanks for the help tho.
ha ha! I got had the receipt to one of my ringtones and reported the problem, they gave me a chance to download it again, and it's not under downloads! I give up. I guess I'll check in a week or so. Sheesh this is frustrating.
Did you look in Purchased?