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Official IOS 7 thread.


Staff member
Oct 4, 2011
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Post here and tell us how you are finding iOS 7, how did the downloading go, do you like/love it ect ect.

For those that don't know what your local availability time is, here is a list of major cities/regions for your reference.

Update: Servers are slammed. iOS 7 requires iTunes 11.1 to interact with in terms of restoring backup and syncing and such. For those that can only see 11.0.5 on the iTunes download page, here are the official direct links for iTunes 11.1 for Windows, Windows 64, and Mac OSX

iTunes 11.1 DIRECT download links.

Windows: https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/iT...TunesSetup.exe
Windows x64: http://appldnld.apple.com/iTunes11/0...nes64Setup.exe
Mac OS X: https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/iT...iTunes11.1.dmg

iOS 7.0 DIRECT download links

iPhone 4 CDMA

iPhone 4 GSM

iPhone 4 Revision-A

iPhone 4S

iPhone 5 CDMA

iPhone 5 GSM


Q: How do I use the multitasker/close out applications?

A: Double tap the home button to bring up the multitasker. Then slide up on the portrait of the app (not the icon).

Q: When I attempt to download, I get an error or it still says iOS 6.1.X is the latest version. Why?

A: As expected whenever a major iOS is released, Apple's server will be hammered. Expect the traffic to sustain itself within the first week of release, or up until the end of the weekend.

Q: iTunes says that I need iTunes 11.1 for iOS 7. When I try to download it, it still says iTunes 11.0.5.

A: Again, Apple's servers will be bloated definitely, and they'll focus on keeping their distribution center up, running and as problem free as possible, so there focus is completely there. If you're not seeing iTunes 11.1 at the iTunes webpage, you can click on the direct links above to download them in the meantime. These are direct links, so they're not tampered with.

Q: Parallax is getting on my nerves as well as the screen changing animation. How do I turn it off?

A: Open up Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion. Toggle this on.

iOS 7 feels a little slow. How do I speed it up?

A: If you're on the iPhone 4 in particular, it's actually expected as the hardware is actually "subpar" of what is required to sustain iOS 7. Nonetheless, you can still use iOS 7, but you will be experiencing lag here and there if what you're trying to do is resource demanding. For A5/A6/A7 users, backup the device, perform a fresh restore, and restore your backup and see if that fixes the issue.

Control Center isn't working. How do I fix this?

A: Control Center is toggled by sliding up from the bottom of the screen, or actually even off the screen and up. If you're using a protective case such as the Otterbox Defender, the Mophie Outdoor, Lifeproof, and similar cases that does not allocate enough space for you to swipe off the screen up, take the case off, and try again.

My device is not activating after I've upgrade/restored to iOS 7. What's going on?

A: Again, Apple's servers are slammed to the max. The activation process might take a little longer than what you're used to. Once the traffic has cleared up, activation should be a breeze. Try re-activating it every so often.

I can't get the weather widget to work on the lock screen like iOS 5/6. What's going on?

A: The weather "widget" if you can even call it that anymore, has been replaced with a written description of the weather. You must have Location Services on, and Weather access to Location allowed for you to see the current weather conditions around your area. This does not take into account your own input, it uses Locations to determine the local weather. Unfortunately, it's not as elaborate or as detailed as the old weather widget in notifications, but that might soon change with the upcoming iOS 7 follow-up patches/hotfixes.

Q: My battery is draining so $$%^&* fast, it's so @#$%^&* annoying. How do I fix it.....

A: For previously stock or freshly restored users, turn off parallax (detailed above), turn off Location Services AND the Location Services System Settings. Also, navigate to Settings > General > Background App Refresh > Toggle everything off. This is the biggest battery drainer in all of iOS 7. Calibrate your battery a few times if necessary.

For jailbroken users, do NOT restore from your jailbroken backup. You need to manually extract every component of your backup out, then manually sync them over. Jailbroken data will increase your usage because it's constantly looking for the outlet or inlet that it's used for.

Q: Can I get airdrop on the 4/4S?

A: Unfortunately no. Airdrop requires a hardware component, which is not applicable for both the 4 and 4S.

Q: How does the multitask manager work on iOS 7? When I tap and hold, it doesn't jiggle like its predecessors.

A: Double tap your home button to bring up your multitask manager. Then for the apps that you want to end the process for, simply slide it up and the result will be the same as the old "tap hold to jiggle" process ending that you're used to in the older iOS.

Q: How can I access Airplay on the new iOS?

A: With wifi connected on your devices, drag the control center up, and you should see the Airplay icon there.

Q: How much slower is the iPhone 4 on iOS 7 compared to the 4S/5?

Here's a pretty well written article on the matter. As it is a personal blog, I unfortunately can't link it directly but I will source it at the end.

When a new iOS version is released, the spotlight always shines the brightest on the shiny, brand-new hardware that ships with it. That's to be expected—people who are getting ready to drop hundreds of dollars on a phone are hungry to know how the software pairs with the best that Apple currently has to offer. That said, one of the benefits of sticking with Apple's ecosystem is that your old phone will run the latest software for a few years after you buy it. Often you can grab that new software just as soon (or even sooner!) than the people who will be getting it on a new device.

Last year, we took a look at how the iPhone 3GS ran iOS 6, since 2009's flagship iPhone was the oldest, slowest hardware that supported the new update. We were pleasantly surprised—the 3GS ran most of iOS 6's biggest features, and it usually ran them just as quickly as it ran iOS 5. This year, we're continuing that tradition by taking a good long look at iOS 7 on the iPhone 4. Can new software make a phone from 2010 feel like a phone from 2013, or is it time to trade your iPhone 4 in for a shiny new iPhone 5C or 5S?
What don't you get?

The slowest devices in Apple's lineup tend not to get every single feature that the newer ones get. Generally, this is either because the old hardware is incapable of supporting it or because the device's aging system-on-a-chip (SoC) isn't fast enough to provide a good experience. The iPhone 4 gets most of the features we highlighted in our massive iOS 7 review, but there's a long list of fine print attached. Let's run through not just the list of iOS 7 features it misses out on, but also the features from previous iOS versions that it isn't privy to. If the feature is on this list, it's missing from the iPhone 4.
  • 3D Flyover or turn-by-turn navigation in Maps.
  • Panorama mode or Filters in the Camera app (filters can still be applied after-the-fact in the Photos app).
  • AirPlay Mirroring.
  • Siri.
  • AirDrop.
  • A number of the new graphical effects present on all other iOS 7 devices. These include translucency effects throughout the OS, live wallpapers, and the parallax effect used on the Home screen.
One thing to note about iOS 7 on the iPhone 4 is that it looks slightly different than it does on every other supported device. The iPhone 4 is the last device standing that uses Apple's A4 SoC (the original iPad was dropped in iOS 6, and iOS 7 drops the fourth-generation iPod touch), and as such it's working with a slower CPU and GPU than the A5, A6, and A7-equipped phones and tablets that make up the rest of Apple's lineup. To take some of the load off of its weaker hardware, Apple has turned off translucency and other graphical effects throughout the OS in favor of simpler and less taxing transparency. It's worth noting that you can also disable these visual effects on newer iPhones and iPads in the accessibility settings by enabling "Increase Contrast."
On the iPhone 5S, the background of the Notification Center is translucent and blurred.
Out of necessity, the weaker GPU in the iPhone 4 uses a simple transparent effect instead.
Translucent Control Center on the iPhone 4S.
Transparent Control Center from the iPhone 4.
Otherwise, all the good stuff about iOS 7 is here: the updated apps, the useful Control Center feature, and all the underlying security updates, technologies, and APIs that made it into iOS 7 are available. That's not half bad, given that Android-based contemporaries like Samsung's original Galaxy S or the Nexus One have to rely on the hacker community for any kind of software support at this point (and even then, it can be spotty). That's the good news.
How fast is it?

iOS 6 and iOS 7 running on the iPhone 4.
The bad news is that the A4 struggles to render iOS 7's sweeping new animations consistently. I'll repeat what I said in the iOS 7 review: iOS devices (especially the oldest ones) have always been capable of occasional stuttering, but iOS 7 magnifies these issues by using more animations and by making those animations more sweeping and longer in duration. More animations means more opportunities for stutter, and longer animations means that this stuttering is much more noticeable when it happens.
As we did last year, we also launched a number of the built-in apps in both iOS 6 and iOS 7 and timed them to see whether there were any regressions. The numbers below measure the time between when the app icon is tapped and when the app becomes ready for user input, and each app's launch time was measured three times and averaged. The apps were force-quit using the iOS multitasking interface between runs. We also measured the time it took for the phone to cold boot to the lock screen.
Safari1.13 seconds2.05 seconds
Camera1.9 seconds2.63 seconds
Settings1.31 seconds1.88 seconds
Mail1.0 seconds1.50 seconds
Messages1.57 seconds2.80 seconds
Calendar1.23 seconds1.78 seconds
Phone0.67 seconds2.37 seconds
Cold boot to lock screen31.14 seconds45.13 seconds

Everything is slower in iOS 7, usually by one to one-half second or so but sometimes by more. These tiny delays can add up—if you unlock your phone, check your mail or messages quickly, and then put your phone away in the course of 10 or 15 seconds, that lag can become a significant percentage of the time you spend. Unfortunately at this point, it's impossible to separate the app launches from the animation durations. It's possible that a future update will reduce the length of the animations, speeding everything up again by a bit. Until (or unless) that happens, navigating around iOS 7 on the iPhone 4 is just going to feel slower than iOS 6 did. Cold boot time has also increased significantly, though I'll admit that I usually only cold boot a smartphone if I need to install an update or measure the amount of time a phone takes to cold boot.
Once you've actually opened your app, things don't feel too much worse than they did in iOS 6. Scrolling occasionally stutters, but most of the delays come up when doing (relatively) 3D-intensive things like swooping around the home screen and switching and launching applications.
When it comes to browser benchmarks, the news gets a little better. Apple continues to make improvements to Mobile Safari's Javascript rendering, and the iPhone 4 benefits from those optimizations just as much as the iPhone 5 does. It's not enough to make it feel like an iPhone 4S or iPhone 5, but it is an improvement.
Battery life: down a little, not a lot

As we discussed in our main iOS 7 review, battery life in iOS 7 is down a little from where it was in iOS 6.1.3, but the iPhone 4 gets off relatively easy compared to the bigger decreases we saw in the iPhone 5. Our Wi-Fi browsing test loops a set of pages in Safari continuously until the battery dies, loading a new page every 15 seconds with the screen set to 50 percent brightness. Under iOS 6.1.3, the iPhone 4 lasted for eight hours and 28 minutes. Under iOS 7, it lasted for a slightly shorter eight hours and seven minutes. Your battery life will obviously differ from ours based on the shape that your battery is in, but as in all other supported devices, iOS 7 reduces battery life slightly compared to iOS 6 on the same hardware.
Proceed with caution

iOS 7 runs on the iPhone 4, but there are definite compromises.
When asked whether you should install iOS 6 on an iPhone 3GS, we can say "yes" without hesitation or condition. When it comes to the iPhone 4 and iOS 7, our response is a more measured "do it if you like the new features, but have you considered a newer phone?"
iOS 7 on Apple's oldest-supported hardware is hardly a disaster, but it's apparent that the only reason Apple issued this update was because they were selling the iPhone 4 free with contract up until September 10. It has been their value option for a year, and in the Apple ecosystem, even people who bought a new iPhone 4 on September 9 will get at least a year's worth of updates. The A4 simply isn't up to the task of rendering iOS 7 as Apple intended, and the upgrade in general performance and apparent smoothness between even the iPhone 4 and year-newer 4S is significant (to say nothing of the iPhone 5, 5C, and 5S).
When it comes to launching apps, the iPhone 4's general slowness is only exacerbated by the too-long animation durations in iOS 7. This is also a problem on the faster phones and tablets, but at least there you've got faster underlying hardware to keep everything moving at a steady clip.
It's great that Apple isn't abandoning older iPhone owners really. People buying an iPhone 4 free with contract were still getting a phone that felt reasonably fast with iOS 6, and they weren't necessarily aware that they were getting an older single-core SoC with an older, slower GPU that would be ill-suited for Apple's new direction. At least they have the option to upgrade. That said, the iPhone 4 and iOS 7 just can't quite provide an experience that's up to Apple's usual standard. Apply the update if there's an iOS 7 feature (or an iOS 7-only app) that you need in your life, but our recommendation now would either be to wait for potential performance boosts in a future iOS 7 update or to start looking into a new iPhone 5C or 5S.

Credits: Andrew C., Arstechnica

<More will be updated soon>
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It's around 10am Pacific time.
If you are in the UK then it will be around 5pm.
11 more minutes... getting exited. like a little boy waiting to open his xmas presents lol
I guess well find out soon.. going to do an upgrade instead of performing a full restore
It's in the app store everyone....yay
It should be time! 6 apps just updated because of iOS 7. They must of had a due time.
To those that haven't already. Make sure you've grabbed a copy of iTunes 11.1. iTunes 11.0.X does not allow for interaction with iOS 7 as its not supported. Meaning you can't restore your backup and you can't sync with your device once its on 7 if you're on iTunes 11.0

Sent via my iPad using Tapatalk HD
To those that haven't already. Make sure you've grabbed a copy of iTunes 11.1. iTunes 11.0.X does not allow for interaction with iOS 7 as its not supported. Meaning you can't restore your backup and you can't sync with your device once its on 7 if you're on iTunes 11.0

Sent via my iPad using Tapatalk HD

yup, first thing. on my itunes it was not showing up in the check updates so I had to get it from their website, the US one as the uk one still had the older version