Need Help! what is this issue called? bricked?

Need Help! what is this issue called? bricked?


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Feb 29, 2012
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I have a sprint 4s 5.0.1 that was jailbroke using tethered absinthe about 4 mos ago. havent had any issues until now.

Phone died last night, so i plugged it in this morning, a couple seconds later I heard the usual beep signaling its connected and charging. well it continued to beep every thirty seconds. so i looked at the screen and it kept going back and forth from the battery/charging screen to a black screen with a small round icon in the center. i let it charge for a few minutes, it kept beeping so i unplugged it now it bounces back and forth from the home screen and the black screen with the white round icon. i tried powering off the phone but it wont let me.any advice? thank you
I unplugged the phone, let the battery drain until phone died. Plugged it back in to charge and now its fine
Try holding the lock and home button until it resets. That may help. Either that or update to 5.1.1 and re jailbreak it with absinthe. It will be untethered. As for bricked, I don't know as I have never seen a bricked phone

Edit: I just re read your second post so ignore this