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Just wanted to share an amazing lockscreen.


New Member
Aug 16, 2010
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First things first, credit for ClearLock goes to user holdemdogg on mmi.

The transparent slider is from user Pronup on mmi.

I was going to post a link, but only have 1 post so far (NOOB!) Search mmi for 'transparent slider' (2nd search result), which will then have a link in the first post to Clearlock.

This lockscreen is great! The wallpaper changes throughout the course of the day to show the different phases of the day - sunrise, morning, afternoon, sunset, evening, night time. It's just awesome, and I love it so much I wanted to share.

Update: I now have 3 posts so can actually make this post usable/relevant. I hate it when people post something like that without a picture!

Sorry, don't quite understand. Where exactly do i get this from?

This lockscreen is great! The wallpaper changes throughout the course of the day to show the different phases of the day - sunrise, morning, afternoon, sunset, evening, night time. It's just awesome, and I love it so much I wanted to share.

if it's not much to ask could please post a pic later on?
so i can get the idea :) i have never used any of apple products so i don't really understand how this can be????:)
if it's not much to ask could please post a pic later on?
so i can get the idea :) i have never used any of apple products so i don't really understand how this can be????:)


Here is a sample of the lockscreen wallpapers that change during the day. I just pulled these from the .zip file holdemdogg posted over at mmi and posted them as one image (they obviously show one at a time on the screen, seamlessly blending from one to the next each hour). The clock appears on top of them as per the first image I posted above.

There are a total of 24 different images: 3 for sunrise, 4 for morning, 5 for afternoon, 7 for night, and 5 for sunset.

Nice pictures. I haven't iPhone 4, but I have a iPhone 3GS.
Hey I figured out how to ssh these files into my winterboard but I don't know how to change the little clock to the slider. Can you explain? Thanks!
Hey I figured out how to ssh these files into my winterboard but I don't know how to change the little clock to the slider. Can you explain? Thanks!

No worries - the first thing I would do is remove the folder/files from your phone, since it will be easier/safer to alter them on your computer and then SSH the complete, re-worked items onto the phone in one go. So, simply locate them in /Libarary/Themes, and remove them.

Then, follow these steps:

1. Open the folder you extracted from the .zip file posted by holdemdogg (Clearlock).

2. Navigate to the folder called "com.apple.telephonyUI" (it's within the folder called "Bundles" inside the main Clearlock folder.

3. Inside, you'll find the picture (PNG file) of the little blue lock that is what is used as the 'slide to unlock' image with the standard Clearlock theme. It's called "[email protected]". There are several that have similar filenames, so be sure to find that one specifically.

4. The [email protected] file is the one you will need to replace with the Transparent Slider PNG file downloaded from Pronup's post. So, essentially rename the Transparent slider file to [email protected], and then move it into the com.apple.telephonyUI folder in the Clearlock folder. Once it has overwritten the file, close the folder.

5. Now, SSH the modified Clearlock theme folder (which now includes the /Bundles/com.apple.telephonyUI folder with the new slider image) onto the phone, just as you did before.

6. Go into WinterBoard, select Clearlock, and respring.

7. Enjoy your new theme, complete with 100% more transparent slider.

Things to keep in mind:

- Exact spelling - including capitalization - is important. If any part of the file name is different than the file that is being replaced, it won't show up.

- Only change the file as indicated above. Don't alter any of the files in the folder called 'private' in the Clearlock folder, as they are the background images for the different times of day. Of course, if you wanted to customize these, then they would obviously need to be changed.

- The other little lock images in com.apple.telephonyUI can be changed as well using the same method as above. If you don't change them, they'll make an appearance occasionally, for instance when you receive a phone call at the lockscreen the little lock slider will appear (I think it's the green one). The transparent slider is only changed for the lockscreen image when you unlock the phone. Just leave the theme active for a few days while you use your phone and you'll see what I mean.

- As above, if you're going to do any other work on the theme (i.e. replacing other images), I recommend doing so on your computer, and not through SSH on the phone itself. Probably being over cautious, but I'd rather not take the chance of deleting something important from my phone and causing myself an unnecessary headache!

Hope that helps...enjoy :)
Wow!! thank you for the reply... So helpful and well written.

Thanks again!