iphone4 black screen stuck

iphone4 black screen stuck


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Oct 26, 2010
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hi i've iphone 4 , 32g. it was working perfectly fine, but few minutes ago when i took it out from the pocket its screen was black, pushed home button, light button, everything.. but its not working.. plugged in my pc and started itunes. its not detecting..tried to do hard reset as well.... tried doing it by pushing home and power button together for long times, but still its black.. no message, no logo... was perfectly fine...... does anyone know what could be the problem?
secondly its jail broaken, would there be any problem to go apple store??
hi i've iphone 4 , 32g. it was working perfectly fine, but few minutes ago when i took it out from the pocket its screen was black, pushed home button, light button, everything.. but its not working.. plugged in my pc and started itunes. its not detecting..tried to do hard reset as well.... tried doing it by pushing home and power button together for long times, but still its black.. no message, no logo... was perfectly fine...... does anyone know what could be the problem?
secondly its jail broaken, would there be any problem to go apple store??

SO you have done hard reset huh. Well try it again. Also take the battery out and put it back in, is another option.
what?? how to take out its battery??? never opened it..

hi i've iphone 4 , 32g. it was working perfectly fine, but few minutes ago when i took it out from the pocket its screen was black, pushed home button, light button, everything.. but its not working.. plugged in my pc and started itunes. its not detecting..tried to do hard reset as well.... tried doing it by pushing home and power button together for long times, but still its black.. no message, no logo... was perfectly fine...... does anyone know what could be the problem?
secondly its jail broaken, would there be any problem to go apple store??

SO you have done hard reset huh. Well try it again. Also take the battery out and put it back in, is another option.
yes, true about the warranty. If you still have it.

Also by putting in the DFU mode won't he have to restore??? And what if he has the phone Unlocked for non legit carrier??
ok thanks for you help, i'll visit this website right away... i just wanna know my cell is jail broken... does it make any difference on my warranty?? am in london right now... if i visit apple store... what do you think???

Follow this guide to reset it. Don't ever open your iPhone you have a year of warranty and opening voids it!
yes, true about the warranty. If you still have it.

Also by putting in the DFU mode won't he have to restore??? And what if he has the phone Unlocked for non legit carrier??

Yes, you will havetoo restore using dfu mode so yes if its not on an official carrier you'd be out of luck.
ok thanks for you help, i'll visit this website right away... i just wanna know my cell is jail broken... does it make any difference on my warranty?? am in london right now... if i visit apple store... what do you think???

Follow this guide to reset it. Don't ever open your iPhone you have a year of warranty and opening voids it!

just don't tell em that its jailbroken, let them turn this baby ON for you :)
Also if you have a legit contract, the no worries, if its broken they will fix it or will give you a new one ) and you wont have to worry about the Unlocking the phone. And you can do the DFU mode as mentioned above without fear
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hehehe.... ok i won't.....
well i tried DFU, milion times... nothing happened.... can't restore... and i purchased this cell from 3 UK, and its still on 3 :) but jail broken .. after jail break i didn't have to unlock it...
anyways thanks thanks a lot guys... you all are generous.... i joined this forum today.. i wasn't expecting so quick responses.... but am really in my senses now... i was shocked and worried......
thanks a bunch guys....

ok thanks for you help, i'll visit this website right away... i just wanna know my cell is jail broken... does it make any difference on my warranty?? am in london right now... if i visit apple store... what do you think???

Follow this guide to reset it. Don't ever open your iPhone you have a year of warranty and opening voids it!

just don't tell em that its jailbroken, let them turn this baby ON for you :)