I have an old iPhone, an iPhone 3G. For ages, the time it showed was about 30 seconds behind BBC time or the time shown on my Mac desktop computer. There has been correspondence about this phenomenon from various iPhone users. The upshot seemed to be that it is a fault in the phones and that it was corrected in later models of iPhone. Also that Settings could be used temporarily to correct the time even on an old phone, but that it would revert after a time.
I have just realized that the time shown on my phone is now only about 2 seconds slow! I have no idea when it near-corrected itself, except that it might have happened when, on holiday in France in July, I set the time zone accordingly and returned it to British time when I returned on 31 July. (I did not check the accuracy at the time.)
The time shown is independent of whether I am on wi-fi or not.
I should be very interested to hear from other iPhone users.
I have just realized that the time shown on my phone is now only about 2 seconds slow! I have no idea when it near-corrected itself, except that it might have happened when, on holiday in France in July, I set the time zone accordingly and returned it to British time when I returned on 31 July. (I did not check the accuracy at the time.)
The time shown is independent of whether I am on wi-fi or not.
I should be very interested to hear from other iPhone users.