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iphone 5s froze after iOS 8 update began


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2014
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This is my first iphone, so I have no idea what to do. I had message that there was an update for iOS. I that began the download. Phone said 74 minutes remaining, so I put the phone aside to let it do its thing whilst I was doing other things. After a long while, I received an error message that the download was unable to finish. Then, I discovered my phone was frozen, for lack of a better description. I cannot turn it off or on. If I press the button on top of the phone, I see the apple icon followed by iTunes icon and below it what looks like a line with a zipper on top or something, perhaps a lock? It looks as though it could be showing that it stopped at about 70-75% complete.

Tried to phone myself from another phone, but all I get is a message saying that the person at this number cannot be reached at this time. Tried to reach apple, but I was unable to do, so I have a call back scheduled for later today.

Does anyone know what happened or how to fix this???
Search this forum for how to do a DFU restore. Seeing as your phone is partial working (Apple logo, iTunes logo), use a computer and iTunes software to reload the firmware (iOS) in DFU mode. It almost sounds like your phone is in a DFU mode already.

If you choose to DFU restore the firmware, and haven't made a backup recently, you'll loose everything that's on your phone currently - photos, contacts, etc.
Thanks, APX7000 (what a cryptic user name, by the way!). I knew the battery was not fully charged, so if nothing else, I thought I should finish charging it. Once I plugged it back into my laptop's USB port, I had a notice from iTunes that the phone was in recovery mode. I followed the steps on the screen, and eventually, the phone returned to normal. Talked to Apple about it later, and the rep told me that the phone cleared all of its software and then redownloaded everything again during the recovery. I did not lose anything (that I am aware), but I have not put any photos or music or anything on my phone yet, which is good I guess. I have not had the time to do any of that so far! It maybe Christmas before I can sit down and figure out how to get my CDs onto to my laptop and then onto the phone. Good grief!
Thanks, APX7000 (what a cryptic user name, by the way!). I knew the battery was not fully charged, so if nothing else, I thought I should finish charging it. Once I plugged it back into my laptop's USB port, I had a notice from iTunes that the phone was in recovery mode. I followed the steps on the screen, and eventually, the phone returned to normal. Talked to Apple about it later, and the rep told me that the phone cleared all of its software and then redownloaded everything again during the recovery. I did not lose anything (that I am aware), but I have not put any photos or music or anything on my phone yet, which is good I guess. I have not had the time to do any of that so far! It maybe Christmas before I can sit down and figure out how to get my CDs onto to my laptop and then onto the phone. Good grief!

On the note of copying media from a disc to your phone, you can follow this instructional guide by Apple on how to do so step-by-step. iTunes takes a bit of getting used to, particularly on the Windows ecosystem. I remember my first iPod when I was ripping my hair out trying to get my Metallica CDs on it....
On the note of copying media from a disc to your phone, you can follow this instructional guide by Apple on how to do so step-by-step. iTunes takes a bit of getting used to, particularly on the Windows ecosystem. I remember my first iPod when I was ripping my hair out trying to get my Metallica CDs on it....

Thanks for the info! : ) I switched from a Windows computer to a MacBook Air about three years ago, so I do not expect I will have too much trouble getting my iphone and computer to "talk" to one another. Apple really does a great job with its products and support. I am very grateful for the community, too. : )